Blueprint 2050: Sustaining The Marine Environment In Mainland Tanzania And Zanzibar

Book DescriptionProtection and sound management of coastal and marine areas are acknowledged as important mechanisms for alleviating poverty in the developing tropics. Tanzania has had considerable practical experience with a diversity of models...

William Miller

The Art of Spiritual Leadership in Business

Book DescriptionNow more than ever, business leaders around the world are beginning to reexamine their roles in the corporate environment and question their life?s purpose. For employees, managers, and business owners, The Art of Spiritual...

Bernard Tschumi

Event-Cities 3 : Concept vs. Context vs. Content

In Event-Cities 3 , Bernard Tschumi explores the complex and productive triangulation of architectural concept, context, and content. There is no architecture without a concept, an overriding idea that gives coherence and identity to a...

Kentaro Miura

Berserk Volume 7

Two feudal kingdoms, Midland and Chuder, battle for supremacy in what will become the final clash in a century-long struggle. Spearheading the Midland forces is the Band of the Hawk, a legendary cadre of elite mercenaries led by the charismatic...

Tracy Barrett

On Etruscan Time

Book Description A shadow moved in the doorway of the building. It was a boy. As he hesitated, someone must have pushes him from behind. He stumbled down the short stairway and fell heavily to his knees. He couldn't break his...

Nat Hentoff

American Music Is

Book Description"Thank God for Nat, who places the soul of the musician above that of his art." --Dizzy Gillespie Writing in a passionate and streetwise style all his own, Nat Hentoff transports us into the diverse worlds of musicians that hold...

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson: Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets)

Book DescriptionRalph Waldo Emerson is one of the best-loved figures in nineteenth-century American literature. Though he earned his central place in our culture as an essayist and philosopher, since his death his reputation as a poet has grown as...

Ben Jonson

Volpone and The Alchemist (Thrift Edition)

Book Description These two comedies saitirze the greed, mendacity, gullibilitiy, and pretension of 17th century London society. In Volpone (1605), a crafty rich man attempts to augment his wealth by feigning a mortal illness. His wealthy...

Cool Restaurants Rome

In this once imperial city, a phenomenal concentration of history, legend and monuments coexists with the daily life of a modern city. And daily life in Rome offers a glut of pleasures, chief among them excellent food with the ambience to match....

Анна Малышева


В этом сборнике раскрывается новая грань творчества талантливого писателя - мистика и фантастика. Рассказ "Прислуга" - дань моего почтения Эдгару По. "Куклы" - это семейная драма, скорее криминальная, чем фантастическая. "Северные...

Братья Гримм

Гензель и Гретель

В книгу вошли четыре сказки братьев Гримм - "Гензель и Гретель", "Стоптанные туфельки", "Лесная старуха", "Рапунцель"....

<<<  В. Л. Горохов, Л. М. Кузнецов, А. Ю. Шмыков. Экология. Учебное пособие             David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman, Steve Roth, Conrad ... >>>

Виктория Токарева. Вместо меня Neil Rinehart. Finding Your "A" Game : Golf, Investing, and Life ЖЖ Sylvia Rosen. Patternmaking: A Comprehensive А. Б. Мартиросян. Сталин после войны. 1945-1953 годы Чат VAUGHAN, SARAH. THE COLLECTION. Исполнитель: VAUGHAN, SARAH Альбом: Christopher England. Outsourcing the American Dream: Pain and Кэрол Финч. Своенравная пленница Книга Джунглей: Лесная вечеринка (PS2). Танцуй в ритме джунглей! М. К. Фролов, В. М. Фролов. Народные методы очищения Игорь Золотусский. От Грибоедова до Солженицына. Michael Henderson, Dougal Thompson. Values at Work: The Invisible Т. Н. Макарова. Учебный процесс: планирование, организация и Татьяна Щеглова. Без нот Е. Казаринова. Оперативное управление торговым персоналом Г. И. Просветов. Цены и ценообразование. Задачи и решения Софья Могилевская. Девочки, книга для вас В. Ф. Демьянов. Условия экстремума и вариационное Эдуард Тополь. Любожид Веселовский А.. Жуковский В.А. Топ майл.ру
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