Chris Croft

Time Management

Time management is not only a basic management technique, it is also an essential life-skill, and yet for many people 80% of achievement still comes from only 20% of the day. By demonstrating why and where time gets wasted this book will enable...

B. M. Staw, R. L. Sutton, R.L. Sutton

Research in Organizational Behavior, Volume 22


Allan J. Henderson

The E-Learning Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Trainers and Business Managers

The application of technology-based learning to employee development has spawned a multibillion dollar industry that continues to grow. For all its potential, though, e-learning is a complex issue that elicits a myriad of questions. The...

Jacob Alex Klerman, Lynn A. Karoly

The Transition to Stable Employment: The Experience of U.S. Youth in Their Early Labor Market Career

This report suggests that efforts to improve the school-to-work transition need to focus on those specific groups who fare worst in their early labor market career--most notably, high school dropouts....

Larry Richman

Project Management Step-By-Step

Project management can seem like a daunting endeavor to the untrained and uninitiated. Here is a book that spells out the basics of implementing a project management model and encourages critical thinking about how project management can help a...

Not Available, Raymond G. Hutchins

How to Make Real Money With Your Video Camera

Previously sold only in popular coast-to-coast seminars, this book is chock full of information about how to make money with a camcorder. It has a proven appeal to people from all walks of life....

Paul S. Royer

Project Risk Management: A Proactive Approach

You don't need sophisticated statistical analysis or software to improve the probability of project success. This book offers a proactive project management process for managing project risk from project initiation through planning, execution,...

Bill Russell, Alan Hilburg, David Falkner

Russell Rules: 11 Lessons on Leadership from the Twentieth Century's Greatest Winner

In this invaluable book, Bill Russell shares the insights, the memories, and most important, the essential "rules of success" that influenced him in every aspect of his life, from raising a daughter as a single father to becoming a successful coach...

Jeremy Rifkin, Carol Grunewald Rifkin

Voting Green: Your Complete Environmental Guide to Making Political Choices in the 90s

An indispensable political handbook for evaluating candidates' "green quotient" in the 1992 elections. The book includes a list of the most important legislation that has been introduced in the past few years; details the voting record of each...

Larry Burkett

Debt-Free Living: How to Get Out of Debt (And Stay Out

Credit applications are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, the easy access to credit has led many into deep debt without any idea on how to get out. Debt-Free Living has the solution. This updated bestseller now comes with the Snap-Shot God CD-ROM, a...

Donna Willis

Training: Techniques, Tools and Tips (Spiro Business Guides)

This book will help assist the trainer in setting up training sessions....

<<<  Лобсанг Рампа. Отшельник             David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman, Steve Roth, Conrad ... >>>

Вики John C. Brooks. Mastering Technical Analysis (Mcgraw-Hill В. К. Беллюстин. Как постепенно дошли люди до настоящей Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Philip K. Dick. A Scanner Darkly А. С. Пушкин, Н. В. Гоголь. А. С. Пушкин. Выстрел. Избранные Живопись 1920-1930. Государственный Русский Е. Казаринова. Оперативное управление торговым Михаил Грозовский. Мой первый букварик
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