James Williams

Team Development for High Tech Project Managers

This unique volume is the first to go beyond the theory of team dynamics and project management to present real world applications. The culmination of years of experience and research, the book describes practical techniques for building successful...

Janet Allon

The Business of Bliss: How to Profit from Doing What You Love

“Entrepreneurs who daydream about converting a hobby into a career should consult The Business of Bliss.”—USA Today Share the inspiration, and then make your own dreams come true. Behind every successful woman is a tale of self-reliance,...

Peter Van Ham, Peter Van Ham

European Integration and the Postmodern Condition: Governance, Democracy, Identity (Routledge Advances in European Politics)

This is the first book to look at the process of European integration by drawing on both established and new trends in post-modern thinking and analysis....

Hans Abrahamsson

Understanding World Order and Structural Change: Poverty, Conflict and the Global Arena

Hans Abrahamsson assesses the current world order and structural change, within an historical framework. He analyzes the interaction of Pax American and the Bretton Woods system in the postwar period, and its impact, specifically on the...

Nathalie G. Schwab Christe, Nils C. Soguel

Contingent Valuation, Transport Safety and the Value of Life (Studies in Risk and Uncertainty)

Over the past two decades, economic theory has extended its field of application to non-market goods such as environmental resources and health. Although it is impossible to assign a price to these goods on the basis of market mechanisms alone, the...

Jerry Honeycutt

Knowledge Management Strategies

Digital technology is radically increasing the speed at which business is conducted. Ultimately it will transform three major elements of every business: relationships between customers and business partners (commerce), information flow and...

Hossein Bidgoli

The Internet Encyclopedia, 3 Volume Set

The only comprehensive guide to every Internet topic?from ActiveX to XBRL The definitive, three-volume Internet Encyclopedia covers every aspect of the Internet for professionals. This up-to-date compendium offers a broad perspective on...

Anita Rosen

The E-Commerce Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Business Managers

The first edition of The E-Commerce Question and Answer Book was an indispensable tool for thousands of businesses, selling over 25,000 copies. Now, this fully updated new edition covers all the latest developments in e-commerce technology,...

Joseph C. Johnson

OCP: Oracle9i Performance Tuning Study Guide with CDROM

-The perfect way to prepare for the Oracle9i Performance Tuning exam! -Contains exam essentials, real-world scenario sidebars, scenario-based questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions. -The CD includes flashcards, chapter-by-chapter exams,...

David A. Taylor

Object Technology: A Manager's Guide (2nd Edition)

The first edition set a standard of excellence that has eluded all followers, and I have recommended it to my clients for years. The new edition is a gift to the field and should be required reading for all managers. -- Adrian J. Bowles, Ph.D.,...

William J. Mitchell

Me++ : The Cyborg Self and the Networked City

With Me++ the author of City of Bits and e-topia completes an informal trilogy examining the ramifications of information technology in everyday life. William Mitchell describes the transformation of wireless technology in the...

<<<  Ян Линдблад. Белый тапир             David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman, Steve Roth, Conrad ... >>>

О компьютерах Morris Goldstein, Carmen Reinhart, Graciela Kaminsky. Яндекс Внутреннее убранство дома. Окна. Лестницы. Мансарды. Лента В. Е. Горяев. Агрофизические основы и методы регулирования гидротермического Gerard Jones. Men Of Tomorrow: Geek, Gangsters, and the Е. Н. Миллер. Deutsch. Тексты и тесты для поступающих в вузы Конференция iXBT.com Dharma Shukla, Bob Schmidt. Essential Windows Workflow Foundation Почта Любовь и честь. Такуя Кимура ("2046"), Мицугоро Michael Amundsen, Paul Litwin. ASP.NET ДМОЗ John M. Dyckman, Joseph A. Cutler. Scapegoats at И. И. Сущинский. Деловая корреспонденция на немецком языке Чат Агния Барто. Агния Барто. Избранное Лента
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