Brian E. Mennecke, Troy J. Strader

Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory and Applications

M-commerce (mobile-commerce) refers to e-commerce activities carried out via a mobile terminal such as a phone or PDA. M-commerce applications for both individuals and organizations are expected to grow considerably over the next few years. Mobile...

International Law & Taxation Publishers, International Law &. Taxation Publishers

Hong Kong Bankruptcy Ordinance

This book contains the full text of the Bankruptcy Ordinance....

S. R. Derham, Rory Derham, S. R. Set-Off Derham

The Law of Set-Off

This work has established itself as a leading authority on its subject. The Third Edition brings the book fully up to date with the latest case-law since the Second Edition was published in 1996. It provides an authoritative commentary on the...

Algernon Horatio

Depression Proof Your Future

The author, a university professor struggling to make ends meet on an inadequate faculty salary that always lagged behind inflation, evolved strategies for personal money management that will work for you. Pin not your hopes for a comfortable...

Biju Thomas, Bob Bryla

OCA/OCP: Oracle9i DBA Fundamentals I Study Guide

-Your key to attaining certification in Oracle's revamped DBA track! -Contains exam essentials, real-world scenario sidebars, scenario-based questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions. -The CD includes flashcards, chapter-by-chapter exams, randomly...

Robert G. Kaires, Barton T. Hickman

TRAVIS 2.0: Transmission Line Visualization Software and User's Guide

This new, more powerful version of TRAVIS lets you observe animated waveforms propagating back and forth in transmission lines between circuit elements in this general SPICE circuit simulator. This allows one to obtain an intuitive understanding of...

Cynthia L. Baron, Daniel Peck

FileMaker Pro 7 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh : Visual QuickPro Guide

For database software, FileMaker Pro has always been almost shockingly easy to use. However, somewhere along the way it also became incredibly powerful-so much so, in fact, that's it's no longer about just creating small-scale relational...

Polycystic Ovaries - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Budi Kurniawan, Ted Neward

VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell

The .NET platform gives Visual Basic developers access to an entirely new and comprehensive class library that promises to further simplify and speed VB application development. In VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell , VB Programmers will find a...

Ernest Pazera

Focus On SDL

Focus On SDL is your key to writing programs faster and with greater ease. Execute the same applications as with DirectX, but with more versatility. SDL allows you to pack up your code and go! If you have a basic knowledge of C++, you're ready to...

Ellen Lupton

Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students (Design Briefs)

The organization of letters on a blank page or screen is one of the designer's most basic challenges. What kind of font to use? How big? How should those letters, words, and paragraphs be aligned, spaced, ordered, and shaped? This...

<<<  Дэвид Лэнг. Армяне. Народ-созидатель             David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman, Steve Roth, Conrad ... >>>

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