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Lyman D. Ketchum, Eric Trist, E. L. Trist All Teams Are Not Created Equal: How Employee Empowerment Really Works
The authors of this book provide a comprehensive diagnosis of the increasing number of problems afflicting the performance of business and other institutions. These problems are defined as `people problems' - springing from the behaviour of those...
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Cheng F. Lee Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting Volume 10
In this issue, there are thirteen high-quality and interesting papers to deal with the issue of Financial Analysis, Planning and Forecasting. Out of these thirteen papers, we can classify them into two major groups i.e. (a) Risk Analysis and (b)...
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Nicholas V. Gianaris Globalization : A Financial Approach
The global economy is undergoing dramatic financial changes. The removal of technical, trade, and monetary barriers and the liberalization of world economies create challenges and opportunities for investment and financial transactions. With these...
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Steven A. Moore Technology and Place: Sustainable Architecture and the Blueprint Farm
"I consider this book the most insightful discussion of place and technology I have encountered over the past twenty years of thinking about place and its role in modern society. . . . I think that it will create an intellectual stir and give a...
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Hilary Rosenberg The Vulture Investors, Revised and Updated
"What kinds of investors actually choose to make their living by seeking out troubled companies and becoming mired in the complexities and contentiousness of a bankruptcy or out-of-court workout?" - Hilary Rosenberg (from The Vulture Investors) ...
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Jon Gregory Taylor Investment Timing and the Business Cycle (Frontiers in Finance Series)
A concise, authoritative guide on using the business cycle to improve investment timing and maximize returns. "The business cycle—which articulates the evolution of the economy through time—provides the fundamental backdrop for...
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Regis McKenna Real Time: Preparing for the Age of the Never Satistied Customer
Real Time caused a sensation with its provocative look at doing business in a real time world, a world created on demand, where customers demand instant gratification...or else. Now available in paperback, this pathbreaking book reveals why...
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Anne Gregory Public Relations in Practice (Public Relations in Practice Series)
The role of the public relations practitioner is becoming ever more demanding. Even those entering the profession are expected to already possess sophisticated skills. Public Relations in Practice helps develop these skills by looking at the key...
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William deBuys, Joan Myers Salt Dreams: Land & Water in Low-Down California
In low places consequences collect, and in all North America you cannot get much lower than the Imperial Valley of southern California, where one town, 186 feet below sea level, calls itself the Lowest Down City in the Western Hemisphere, and where...
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Edward Angel Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with OpenGL (3rd Edition)
This book teaches beginners how to create interesting computer graphics. It takes a top-down approach that starts readers creating interesting computer graphics from the start using OpenGL. Interactive Computer Graphics, 3/e features a top-down,...
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Brian Singleton, Chris Peters The OS/400 and Microsoft Office Integration Handbook -Second Edition
Tasks that used to be almost impossible are now an easy reality...if you know the integration secrets that authors Brian Singleton and Chris Peters reveal in this book. Find out how you can use your iSeries output with your PC data-formatting tools,...
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Домой Пояс "Pacha", цвет: коричневый. Пояс "Pacha" коричневого
Yankee Magazine. Yankee Magazine's Living Well on a
Виды Москвы 1913-1914 и 2003-2004. Пречистенка - Гагаринский переулок (комплект
Гринвуд Л.. Упрямая невеста
Al Bano & Romina Power. The Collection. Felicita; It's Forever;
Евгений Крылов. Пароконвектомат: технологии
Бесплатный хостинг
Л. А. Верещагина, И. М. Карелина. Психология потребностей
Новотроицк, Тамбов, Батайск, Батайск, Москв,
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