Juliet Nierenberg

Los secretos del exito en la negociacion : Estrategias efectivas para mejorar las habilidades negociadoras

Book Description Managers, employees, and entrepreneurs, are given practical guidance on focusing the mind for optimum negotiating power in this guide. With more than 20 step-by-step targeted exercises, this negotiating handbook teaches how to...

Jeffrey Gusky

Silent Places: Landscapes of Jewish Life and Loss in Eastern Europe

Book DescriptionSilent Places is an indelibly moving collection of photographic images; their melancholy beauty and emotional depth provide a glimpse into the past and into eternity Jeff Gusky, a doctor of emergency medicine decided, at the age...

Sue Macy

Swifter, Higher, Stronger : A Photographic History of the Summer Olympics

Book Description"Let the games begin!" is a cry that has stirred athletes and citizens from countries all over the world for more than a hundred years. In Swifter, Higher, Stronger, Sue Macy has captured a compelling and comprehensive portrait of...

Theresa L. Garnero


Book DescriptionDIABETease is a book of humorous illustrations, which inject a little fun into the otherwise serious side of diabetes. The ladybug mascot, named LadyBetes, that appears throughout the book also provides generalized facts and tips...

Martin Parr

Bliss : Postcards of Couples and Families collected by Martin Parr (Martin Parr Postcard Collections)

Book Description The celebrated photographer and social commentator Martin Parr follows up the Boring Postcards series with a new installment of his bizarre postcard collection. Produced in the countries of the Southern Europe -during the...

Jack Kirby

Marvel Visionaries: Jack Kirby

Book DescriptionIn celebration of its 65th anniversary, the House of Ideas proudly presents a timeless testament to a true Marvel visionary! Comics' premier storyteller for more than 40 years, Jack "King" Kirby brought new vitality and imagination...

Michael O. Tunnell

The Prydain Companion: A Reference Guide to Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles

Book Description An informative resource for formal studies of th e Prydain Chronicles, as well as an excellent opportunity to delve into the fantastic workings of Prydain " The Prydain Companion is more than a quick...

Lillian Faderman

Naked in the Promised Land: A Memoir

Book DescriptionBorn in 1940, Lillian Faderman was the only child of an uneducated and unmarried immigrant Jewish woman. Her mother, whose family perished in the Holocaust, was racked by guilt at having come to America and left them behind; she...

John Bellairs

The Trolley to Yesterday (Johnny Dixon)

Book Description John Bellairs, the name in Gothic mysteries for middle graders, wrote terrifying tales full of adventure, attitude, and alarm. For years, young readers have crept, crawled, and gone bump in the night with the unlikely heroes of...

Olwyn Whelan

The Star Child

Book DescriptionWhen two poor woodcutters see a star fall one bitter winter's night, they rush to the spot where it lands, hoping to find treasure. Instead they find a mysterious child, whose destiny takes them on a strange and challenging journey....

Luigi Pirandello

The Late Mattia Pascal

Book DescriptionMattia Pascal endures a life of drudgery in a provincial town. Then, providentially, he discovers that he has been declared dead. He realizes he has a chance to start over, and he moves to a new city and adopts a new name, only to...

<<<  Жан Расин. Жан Расин. Сочинения. В двух томах. ...             David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman, Steve Roth, Conrad ... >>>

А. А. Булычев. История одной политической кампании XVII века. Законодательные Readings In Unobserved Components Models (Advanced Andrew Carnegie, Sir Arthur Helps, Adam Starchild. Орлова Л.. Стерва в интернете Кондаков И.М.. Психология. Иллюстрированный словарь Самоучитель танцев: Ча-ча-ча. Самый доступный способ научиться Пароль не нужен. Николай Губенко ("Дворянское гнездо"), Михаил Глузский Автомобильный портал Reginal Smith. Speaking Secrets for the Bored Room Elaine Ryan. COLOR YOUR LIFE : How to Design Your Валерий Осипов. Единый язык человечества Э. В. Белик. Французско-русский, русско-французский словарь школьника Статистика John E. Tropman. Effective Meetings: Improving Group Decision-Making Disney. Disney Fairies: Learn to Draw the Fairies Ответы КМ Хрестоматия по культурологии. В двух томах. Почта.ру Ю. А. Иванова. Шпицвег
Ростов-на-Дону, Старый Оскол, Питер, Железнодорожный, Северск, Северск, ВеликийНовгород, Махачкала, Владимир, Рубцовск, Сургут, Орехово-Зуево, Рязань, Королёв, Краснодар, Хасавюрт, Подольск, Курск, Люберцы, Стерлитамак, Ярославль, Псков, Таганрог, Ангарск,
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