Michael A. Cusumano, David B. Yoffie

Competing On Internet Time: Lessons From Netscape And Its Battle With Microsoft

Competing on Internet time means competitive advantage can be won and lost overnight. In this penetrating analysis of strategy-making and product innovation in the dynamic markets of commercial cyberspace, bestselling Microsoft Secrets ...

Entrepreneur Press

How to Start a Business in South Dakota (HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN SOUTH DAKOTA)

How to Start a Business in South Dakota is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one resource goes a step...

Karen Morris

Ask The Career Counselors: Answers For Lawyers On Their Lives And Life's Work

This manual shows readers how to propel themselves to a more satisfying professional life in and beyond the law....

Mordechai E. Kreinin, Institute of International Economics and Management

Contemporary Issues in Commercial Policy

Hardbound. New economic conditions brought about by political seachange, international trade agreements, and technological advances have posed new problems and challenges for many countries and trade communities. This book addresses a wide range of...

Jerry O'Connell, Neale Steiniger

Handbook of Global Securities Operatiions

eThe authors, Neale Steiniger and Jerry O'connell, have combined their expertise and experience to write the definitive reference book on global securities markets activities. Read this book for an easy to understand description of the clearance,...

William M. Boast, Benjamin Martin

Masters of Change: How Great Leaders in Every Age Thrived in Turbulent Times

Rather than subscribe to a methodical formula for leadership success, Masters of Change approaches effective management skills from the context of history, applying the power of models to instruct the reader. Boast calls Masters a "who to," not a...

Bohdan O. Szuprowicz

Webcasting and Push Technology Strategies: Effective Communications for Intranets and Extranets

This new 254-page CTR report provides a management analysis of the emerging webcasting and push technology markets. The report discusses how intranets and extranets are developing into E-commerce infrastructures and how they will benefit from...

Jeff Townsend, Jeffery E. Townsend

The Master Plan: Retirement Strategies for the Best of Your Life

In the next decade, the largest and most affluent generation in the history of the United States-the Baby Boomers-will begin retiring. The result, experts say, will be a Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid crisis such as this country has never...

Дик Френсис

Последний барьер. По рукоять в опасности

Конезаводчик Дэниел Рок по просьбе графа Октобера расследует странные случаи на скачках. Некоторым лошадям явно дают допинг, который, однако, не может выявить ни одна экспертиза. Под видом младшего конюха Рок проникает в конюшню, которая связана с...

М. Я. Гефтер

Из тех и этих лет

Книга М. Гефтера - результат почти 25-летних поисков известного историка, философа, публициста. Многие тексты прежде не публиковались либо издавались за рубежом. Статьи, эссе, диалоги, письма "тех лет" (диссидентского времени) и "этих лет" (исхода...

Robert McFarlane

Beginning Autocad R13 for Windows

This beginner's guide to AutoCAD describes the most essential features of AutoCAD release 13 and helps readers grasp the main commands....

<<<  Сальникова Л.В.. Трудовое право в вопросах и ответах             П. Д. Успенский. Новая модель Вселенной >>>

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