Steven Bleicher

Contemporary Color

Book Description This beautifully produced and lavishly illustrated introduction to contemporary color offers working artists valuable insight into traditional color theory while examining the effective use of color in digital applications and 3D...

Marie-Renee Bakker

Development of Non-Bank Financial Institutions and Capital Markets in European Union Accession Countries (World Bank Working Papers)

Book DescriptionDevelopment of Non-Bank Financial Institutions and Capital Markets in European Union Accession Countries assesses the role of non-bank financial institutions and capital markets in the financial sectors of the eight first wave EU...


The Well : Surviving A Summer Of Terror In The Western Nevada Desert

Book DescriptionDon Collett began his writing career working as a special Navy correspondent for the Honolulu Advertiser and Honolulu Star Bulletin. Later, while balancing a career as a professional golfer and businessman, he wrote two golf...

Emily Rodda

Rowan of Rin (Rowan of Rin) (Rowan of Rin)

Book Description Bravest heart will carry on when sleep is death, and hope is gone. Rowan doesn't believe he has a brave heart. But when the river that supports his village of Rin runs dry, he must join a dangerous...

Mike Leigh

All or Nothing (Faber and Faber Screenplays)

Book Description After his critically acclaimed departure to period drama with Topsy-Turvy , Mike Leigh returns to the more intimate explorations of working-class life that marked his early career with All or Nothing . Set in a...

Fred Haefele

Rebuilding the Indian: A Memoir

Book DescriptionMaybe he's losing his mind. Maybe he's having a midlife crisis. Or maybe he's simply fulfilling a lifelong dream despite its near impossibility. Fred Haefele--a writer who can't get his novel published, an arborist who has sporadic...

Elizabeth Nunez

Stories from Blue Latitudes : Caribbean Women Writers at Home and Abroad

Book DescriptionStories from Blue Latitudes gathers the major and emerging women fiction writers from the Caribbean, including Dionne Brand, Michelle Cliff, Merle Collins, Edwidge Danticat, Jamaica Kincaid, Paule Marshall, and Pauline Melville....

One Hot Second

Amazon.comCathy Young, author of the brassy, bold Favorite Teenage Angstbooks Web zine has finally made her mark on the paper publishing scene as the editor of this stellar collection of teen cravings created to make you blush. In "Someone...

Jonathan Lethem

Lit Riffs

Book Description Following in the footsteps of the late great Lester Bangs -- the most revered and irreverent of rock 'n' roll critics -- twenty-four celebrated writers have penned stories inspired by great songs. Just as Bangs cast new light on...

Myriam Szejer

Talking to Babies: Psychoanalysis on a Maternity Ward

Book DescriptionDr. Myriam Szejer talks to newborns. For over a decade, in the maternity ward of a hospital outside Paris, Dr. Szejer has been conducting her practice with considerable success and acclaim. Called in by hospital staff when a baby or...

Ирина Дягилева

Кто сказал, что я должна похудеть? Здравый смысл против "лишнего веса"

Эта книга предназначена для тех, кто знаком с проблемой лишнего веса не понаслышке. Для тех, кто следит за каждым съеденным граммом и после каждой трапезы вскакивает на весы. Для тех, кто считает калории и очки, мучает себя капустным супчиком,...

<<<  Ближневосточный конфликт. 1947-1967. Из документов ...             П. Д. Успенский. Новая модель Вселенной >>>

Генри Клауд. 9 правил успешного лидера Р. М. Болл, Дж. Х. Коннел, Ш. Панканти, Н. К. Ратха, КМ Артемидор. Онейрокритика В. Е. Епихин. Алгебра и теория пределов. Йен Пирс. Комитет Тициана Нигма Одноклассники Е. Т. Бровкина, В. И. Сивоглазов. Животные луга Вики Каталог софта Institute. Distort Yourself. Если вам нравятся такие группы S. Scott Zimmerman. New Perspectives on Microsoft
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