Chris Marshall, Richard Pettinger

Mastering International Trade (Palgrave Master Series)

This title provides a practical and hands on approach to exporting/importing, and deals with the issues international companies need to understand if they are to succeed trading overseas. It examines basic marketing concepts and tools, the...

Tony Murphy

Achieving Business Value from Technology: A Practical Guide for Today's Executive

Clearly, IT investments have never before played such a critical part in business growth. The book addresses the weakness existing in most management systems involving the lack of a systematic process to realize the economic benefits of the IT...

Manfred C. Neumann, Alfred Haid, Jurgen Weigand

Competition, Efficiency, and Welfare: Essays in Honor of Manfred Neumann

Competition, Efficiency and Welfare contains a collection of papers in honor of Manfred Neumann. This collection was prepared as a tribute to a teacher and scholar, whose accomplishments have enriched various fields of economics. The magnitude of...

Barry Bloom

Deploying and Managing Microsoft .NET Web Farms

Microsoft .NET Web Farms describes the life cycle of Microsoft .NET e-business applications and the steps an organization will take as they grow their online presence. Detailed descriptions of technology choices an organization makes will...

Homer J. Buckley

Science of Marketing By Mail

1924. Contents: evolution of marketing methods; mail selling plans based on statistics; economic value of truth in marketing by mail; using the mails to make sales; manufacturers who have become merchants by mail selling; opening new territory and...

Robert Hecht-Nielsen and Thomas McKenna (Eds)

Computational Models for Neuroscience: Human Cortical Information Processing

Understanding how the human brain represents, stores, and processes information is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science today. The cerebral cortex is the seat of most of the mental capabilities that distinguish humans from other animals...

John R. Levine


This complete guide to installing, configuring and using qmail to manage Unix-based mail systems explores how this alternative to sendmail can solve specific mail-handling problems. qmail concentrates on common tasks like moving a sendmail setup to...

Iris Blanc, Cathy Vento

Performing With Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 Comprehensive Course

The Performing Series takes students to a higher level of learning through applied and project-based activities that go beyond the mechanics of the software....

Hyperglycemia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referen

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

А. Н. Ванеев

Библиотечное дело. Теория. Методика. Практика

В сборнике трудов одного из самых крупных отечественных современных библиотековедов представлены работы, подготовленные автором за пятьдесят лет его научной и педагогической деятельности. В настоящее издание вошли работы прошлых лет, не потерявшие...

Александр Назайкин

Медиапланирование на 100%

В этой книге рассмотрены все аспекты науки и искусства медиапланирования. Автор - признанный специалист в рекламном бизнесе - обобщает как отечественный, так и зарубежный опыт медиапланирования. Во втором, дополненном и переработанном, издании...

<<<  Ian McEwan. Atonement: A Novel             П. Д. Успенский. Новая модель Вселенной >>>

Игры The Graves Family. Book DescriptionThe Graves family has just moved Jazz Composition : Theory and Practice. Book DescriptionWhen Поиск работы Валентин Пикуль. Каждому свое. Париж на три часа Энди Стэнфорд. Ночной бой. Техника и тактика В. В. Мельниченко, Н. В. Калиниченко. Ваш ПК. Руководство современного John Steinbeck, Charles Wollenberg. The Вести Ги де Мопассан. Ги де Мопассан. Собрание сочинений в десяти Нил Доналд Уолш. Беседы с Богом (необычный диалог). Книга 1 Karl D. Schubert. CIO Survival Guide:
Москва , Шахты, Таганрог, Камышин, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Ярославль, Нальчик, Уфа, Уфа, Серпухов, Пенза, Сыктывкар, Миасс, Киров, Арзамас, Чебоксары, Красноярск, Киров,
Дизайн| Детское творчество| Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции| Теория и методика воспитани| Барды| Товароведение| Общий менеджмент| Космос, техника, транспорт| Словари-справочники| Боевики (actions)| Актрисы.| Справочная литература по строительству| Социальные драмы| Фантастические боевики| Медицина. Здравоохранение| Молодежное кино|
audiobook, книги интернет магазин, инциклопедия, книжный, книжная ярмарка олимпийский, audio книги,
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