Уильям и Марта Сирс

Ваш малыш от рождения до двух лет

Наконец настал счастливый миг, и вы с малышом на руках возвращаетесь под крышу родного дома! Но радость первых дней омрачают внезапные проблемы: вдруг оказывается, что вы не знаете о том, как часто необходимо ребенка кормить, какому способу...

В. П. Комов, В. Н. Шведова


В учебнике на современном научно-теоретическом уровне изложен материал по структурной и метаболической биохимии. Особое внимание уделено полифункциональности белков и их роли в обеспечении специфических биохимических процессов и физиологических...

J. S. Kuan, S. Ludwig, S. P. Studebaker

Russia Tax, Law and Business Briefing: 2004

The restructuring of Russia?s legal and regulatory frameworks in the past decade have created new conditions for investment and business ventures, offering both new opportunities and challenges to the prospective investor. Russia Tax, Law &...

Stefan Hedlund

Russia's Market Economy: A Bad Case of Predatory Capitalism

A seminal account of Russia's transition to the market, it shows the tortuous development as a fledging market economy through the 1990's, right through to its spectular collapse in August 1998....

Antonio Calabria

The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in the Time of Spanish Rule (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History)

This is a study of early modern government finance in the kingdom of Naples, one of the most important European dominions of the Spanish Empire. Professor Calabria focuses on the period from the mid-sixteenth century to the time of the Thirty Years'...

Aaditya Mattoo, Antonia Carzaniga

Moving People to Deliver Services: Labor Mobility and the Wto (World Bank Publication)

The World Trade Organization now confronts an issue that lies at the interface of two major world challenges: trade liberalization and international migration. This book breaks new ground by examining the economic, legal, and political implications...

Lynne C. Lancaster, David Stillman

When Generations Collide : Who They Are. Why They Clash. How to Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work

If your workplace feels like a battle zone and colleagues sometimes act like adversaries, you ore not alone. Today four generations glare at one another across the conference table, and the potential for conflict and confusion has never been...

Ruth A. Pagell, Michael Haperin, Michael Halperin

International Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It

This newly updated and expanded edition of an Oryx bestseller, by award-winning authors Ruth A. Pagell and Michael Halperin, is the only reference work available that guides business researchers and librarians to the most valuable sources for...

Cornelis A. Los, Cornelis A Los

Computational Finance

Computational finance deals with the mathematics of computer programs that realize financial models or systems. This book outlines the epistemic risks associated with the current valuations of different financial instruments and discusses the...


Us Department of the Navy Handbook

Ultimate directory for conducting export-import operations in the country. Largest exporters and importers, strategic government and business contacts, selected export-import regulations and more...

Robert, Sr. Forbush

Investing Offshore: Secrets of Asset Protection

Are crushing taxes and suffocating government regulations cramping your style? Consider escaping these twin enemies of free enterprise in the shelter of an offshore tax haven. Investing offshore shows you how to take advantage of the freedom and...

<<<  Ю Хен. Небесный десант. Том 2             П. Д. Успенский. Новая модель Вселенной >>>

Edward Laughbaum. Business Math Excel Applications Поиск работы МСН Работа Знакомства Александр Кенин. Самоучитель системного администратора Работа SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE, LELIO. SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE, LELIO Сидни Шелдон. Узы крови Е. П. Данилов. Защита жилищных прав Виктор Доценко. Война Бешеного Обменяться женами. Стильная фривольняя мелодрама Агент майл.ру Paul A Samuelson, William D Nordhaus. Microeconomics w/ PowerWeb А. Н. Стругацкий, Б. Н. Стругацкий. За Поиск людей Ю. И. Андреева. Интернет для истинной леди. Самоучитель Путешествия QIP.ру Счетчик Конференция iXBT.com
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