Kurt Meyer

In the Shadow of the Himalayas: Tibet ? Bhutan ? Nepal ? Sikkim a Photographic Record by John Claude White 1883?1908

Book DescriptionJohn Claude White (1853-1918) was a civil engineer by education, a colonial administrator by profession, and a photographer by vocation. His photographs of the Himalayas were taken from 1883-1908. He spent twenty-one years based in...

Lope de Vega

The Dog in the Manger (Absolute Classics)

Book Description While the countess' secretary is posing as a son of a statesman, the countess is free to marry him. But when he admits his deception, the countess is faced with a social dilemma. A painful and hilarious comedy for anyone who has...

Stan Sauerwein

Pierre Elliot Trudeau: The Fascinating Life of Canada's Most Flamboyant Prime Minister (Amazing Stories) (Amazing Stories)

Book DescriptionPierre Trudeau was unlike any prime minister Canada had ever known or will ever see again. His unique style, charisma, bravado, and sharp wit galvanized a nation, creating the "Trudeaumania" that swept him into office. He was a man...

Tom Tozer

Godfrey de Bouillon : Defender of the Holy Sepulchre

Book DescriptionThis is the story of Godfrey de Bouillon, Frankish nobleman and warrior. His father Eustace fought with William the Conqueror, and his mother Ida was sainted by the Roman Catholic Church. In 1082, Godfrey became Duke of Lower...

Richard Baer

I Don't Drop Names like Marilyn Monroe Just to Sell Books : A memoir by Richard Baer

Book DescriptionIn the early 1950's, in Los Angeles, at 6 AM, John West, vice-president of the National Broadcasting Company in charge of west coast, gets a phone call from New York City on the NBC tie line. The caller is General David Sarnoff,...

John Foster

Take Me to Paris, Johnny

Book DescriptionA Cuban dancer meets an Australian historian, and a casual fling gradually becomes a love affair that transforms their lives. In this unforgettable memoir, John Foster recounts the life and death of his lover, Juan Cespedes. This...

Ian McEwan, Jesus Zulaika


Language: Spanish...

Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola's Zoetrope: All-Story 2

Amazon.comIn his introduction to Zoetrope: All-Story , Francis Ford Coppola explains exactly what possessed him to start a literary magazine. Emphasizing what should be an obvious point--a good movie requires a good story--the acclaimed...

Chris Chester

Providence of a Sparrow : Lessons from a Life Gone to the Birds

Book Description“There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.” --William Shakespeare, Hamlet B fell twenty-five feet from his nest into the life of Chris Chester. The encounter was providential for...

Luis J. Rodriguez

La Vida Loca : El Testimonio de un Pandillero en Los Angeles

Book Description "A los doce anos, Luis Rodriguez ya era un veterano de la guerra entre las pandillas de East Los Angeles. Atraido por una cultura pandillera aparentemente insuperable, fue testigo de un sinfin de balaceras,...

Julian Horton

Bruckner's Symphonies : Analysis, Reception and Cultural Politics

Book DescriptionAn important new study of Bruckner's symphonies from a comparative, inter-disciplinary perspective....

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Путешествия Diana Stanley. Anatomy for Artists (Dover Art Instruction) Наши добрые мультфильмы. Часть 21. Содержание: 01. Почему у зайцев BARTOLI/T. BARTOLI :. Исполнитель: BARTOLI/T Альбом: BARTOLI Tad Crawford, Eva Doman Bruck. Business and Legal Конференция iXBT.com Сковорода "Carl Victor" чугунная, с ручкой. Диаметр 28 см. Чугунная Каморрист. Бен Газзара ("Анатомия убийства"), А. Л. Янов. Патриотизм и национализм в России. 1825 - 1921 Яндекс Автомобильный портал ANIS. LA CHANCE:. Исполнитель: ANIS Альбом: LA CHANCE: Производитель:
Междуреченск, Миасс, Сыктывкар, Ачинск, Новошахтинск,
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