Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair, Allan Sekula

Five Days That Shook the World: The Battle for Seattle and Beyond

It's been called the most intense popular uprising since the protests against the Vietnam War. In October 1999, fifty thousand citizens occupied the streets in a successful effort to shut the World Trade Organization's ministerial meeting. Trade...

Ramon Lopez, Alberto Valdes

Rural Poverty in Latin America

This book provides insight into rural poverty in Latin America. It draws on six case studies of recent rural household surveys for Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, and Peru and several thematic studies examining land, labor,...

Text Information Retrieval Systems

Information retrieval is a communication process that links the information user to a librarian, museum curator, fingerprint identification specialist, or whoever is in charge of a collection of what we are calling documents. The communication will...

Jane Laino

The Telecom Handbook

Whether you're an IT professional, a telecom professional, an office administrator, or just starting out in the business world, this book provides you with an organized, easy-to-use introduction to business telecommunications systems and services....

Ola Kaufman

Effective Consumer Complaining

Make a complaint and WIN! The most up-to-date, practical advice for consumers who have what it takes to do battle against those trying to cheat, steal or scam them. Fight back. End up with enormous satisfaction....

Douglas Schweitzer

Internet Security Made Easy

Gone are the days when computer security was just a big-company problem. Ensuring safe and secure communications, transactions, and data transfer is now an issue for everyone doing business online. This versatile book is a step-by-step...

Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau

Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption

Telecommunication has never been perfectly secure, as a Cold War culture of wiretaps and international spying taught us. Yet many of us still take our privacy for granted, even as we become more reliant than ever on telephones, computer networks,...

Ifip Tc2, Wg2.1 Working Conference on Generic Programming, Johan Jeuring

Generic Programming: IFIP Tc2/Wg2.1 Working Conference on Generic Programming, July 11-12, 2002, Dagstuhl, Germany (International Federation for Information Processing (Series), 115.)

Generic programming is about making programs more adaptable by making them more general. Generic programs often embody non-traditional kinds of polymorphism; ordinary programs are obtained from them by suitably instantiating their parameters. In...

John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Wiebe van der Hoek, C. J. van Rijsbergen

Epistemic Logic for AI and Computer Science (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)

Epistemic logic has grown from its philosophical beginnings to find diverse applications in computer science as a means of reasoning about the knowledge and belief of agents. This book, based on courses taught at universities and summer schools,...

Р. Киплинг

Книги Джунглей. Свет погас. Рассказы

"Книги Джунглей". Произведение, известное нам под названием "Маугли", - и по сей день завораживающее своей силой и детей, и взрослых читателей. "Свет погас". Опыт Киплинга в жанре психологического романа - изящный, тонкий и проникнутый...

Что такое. Кто такой. В трех томах. Том 2

Содержит около 300 рассказов по широкому кругу знаний: общественным, гуманитарным и естественным наукам, культуре, практической деятельности человека. В книге помещены биографии общественных и государственных деятелей, замечательных ученых,...

<<<  И.С.Тургенев. И.С.Тургенев. Собрание сочинений в ...             П. Д. Успенский. Новая модель Вселенной >>>

Гого Richard Aston. Electrical Circuit Analysis Using Valentino "Very Valentino". Лосьон для тела, 200 мл.. Гель для душа с ароматом Dimitrios Kostopoulos. Lower Extremity: Comprehensive Агент майл.ру Поиск работы Зигмунд Фрейд. Леонардо да Винчи. Воспоминание детства (аудиокнига Гера Грач (mp3). Содержание диска: Зверь - треки 1-11; Воля Чингиз Абдуллаев. Мистерия эпохи заката Г. В. Носовский, А. Т. Фоменко. Империя. Том 1 Рюкзак Babolat "Team Bagpack". Рюкзак "TEAM BAGPACK" идеально Гого Яндекс Стенли Молцмен. Рисуем пейзаж
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