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Peter J. Boettke Calculation and Coordination: Essays on Socialism and Transitional Political Economy
This collection of essays from one of the major Austrian economists working in the world today brings together in one place some of his key writings on a variety of economic issues....
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Mario Giampietro, M. GIAMPIETRO Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Agroecosystems
Ecologists, agronomists, and others who may question the validity of current models for determining sustainable growth of agroecosystems, need a new set of analytical tools that more effectively address the complex nature of related processes. Those...
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F.A. Hayek The Sensory Order: An Inquiry into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology
The Sensory Order , first published in 1952, sets forth F. A. Hayek's classic theory of mind in which he describes the mental mechanism that classifies perceptions that cannot be accounted for by physical laws. Hayek's substantial...
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Carol Bennett Business Etiquette & Protocol: Professional Development Series
Our business environment is one of record pace and quick productivity. Technology has enabled us to communicate and produce in a way we never thought possible. However, as we move through our careers, it's still important to slow down and remember...
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Kathleen D. Ryan, Daniel K. Oestreich Driving Fear Out of the Workplace : Creating the High-Trust, High-Performance Organization (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
Restore Creativity and Trust to Your Workplace Much has changed since Driving Fear Out of the Workplace first made the undiscussable discussable back in 1991. Advances in technology, new employee/employer relations, and the corporate push to...
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Robert K. Wysocki Project Management Process Improvement (Artech House Effective Project Management Series)
No matter how perfect a project management process may be on paper, it is worthless if it is not being used properly or at all. This practical "how to" guide shows you the way to bring documented process and practiced process into alignment while...
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Daiva K. Stasiulis, Abigail B. Bakan Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System
Negotiating Citizenship explores the growing inequalities associated with nation-based citizenship from the perspective of migrant women workers who have made their way from impoverished Third World countries to work in Canada in the...
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Robert A. Pastor Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New
"The United States, Canada, and Mexico need to modernize our relationship if we want the 21St Century to improve on the past. The three countries of North America already have a larger market than the European Union, but we have not begun to explore...
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Graham Romp Game Theory: Introduction and Applications
Covering all the essential topics for undergraduate courses, this is the ideal student introduction to game theory. It sets out the basics of the subject in a non-technical way and uses illustrations and examples to show its application to...
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Carlos Noronha The Theory of Culture- Specific Total Quality Management
Carlos Noronha examines the influence of cultural values on total quality management (TQM). This volume is the first to show the influence that culture has on the success of TQM, and uses the case of Chinese companies operating in mainland China,...
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K. Fatemi, D. Salvatore The North American Free Trade Agreement
Hardbound. After years of debate and a turbulent passage through Congress, The North American Free Trade Agreement came into effect on 1st January 1994. The agreement heralds a new era in North America's economic and political behavior and will...
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Sybille Bedford. Quicksands: A Memoir
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