Managing an Effective Operation (Institute of Management Series)

All managers have a responsibility for the successful operation of their business. Managing an Effective Operation shows how you can effectively: * set departmental objectives within the context of an organisation * measure the competitive advantage...

Bruce J. Schulman

From Cotton Belt to Sun Belt: Federal Policy, Economic Development, and the Transformation of the South, 1938-1980

This is a carefully executed study of the effects of federal economic policy in transforming the American South from the time of the New Deal to the present. Decrying the South's economic backwardness and political conservativism, the Roosevelt...


Bulgaria a Spy Guide

Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

Fiorenzo Franceschini

Advanced Quality Function Deployment

A versatile manual that can be used to stimulate product innovation as well as for benchmarking analysis and engineering design, this book goes beyond theory and information about advanced QFD. It provides relevant ideas, methods, and techniques...

В. К. Журавлев

Диахроническая фонология

Монография посвящена фундаментальным проблемам языковой эволюции. В ней анализируется механизм интеграции, самосохранения, устойчивости и саморазвития фонологической системы, излагается целостная фонологическая теория, дается типология...

Hans Meinhardt, D. R. Fowler, P. Prusinkiewicz

The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells

The patterns on the shells of tropical sea snails are not only compellingly beautiful but also tell a tale of biological development. The decorative patterns are records of their own genesis, which follows laws like those of dune formation or the...

Ollivier Dyens, Evan J. Bibbee

Metal and Flesh: The Evolution of Man: Technology Takes Over (Leonardo Books)

For more than 3,000 years, humans have explored uncharted geographic and spiritual realms. Present-day explorers face new territories born from the coupling of living tissue and metal, strange lifeforms that are intelligent but unconscious, neither...

Alison Balter

Microsoft Office Access 2003 in a Snap (SAMS TEACH YOURSELF)

Microsoft Access is a database development and maintenance program, but it can be confusing when trying to learn how to complete the tasks required to create an application. Microsoft Access 2003 In a Snap can quickly show you how to...

Elephantiasis - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referen

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Lisa Palac

The Edge of the Bed : How Dirty Pictures Changed My Life

In the early '90s, after a stint as a senior editor at the groundbreaking lesbian sex journal On Our Backs , Lisa Palac took charge of a new magazine called Future Sex . Tapping into the "cyber" ethos that permeated the Bay Area scene--...

Andreas Meyer, Butterworth-Heinemann Newnes

Principles of Functional Verification

As design complexity in chips and devices continues to rise, so, too, does the demand for functional verification. Principles of Functional Verification is a hands-on, practical text that will help train professionals in the field of engineering on...

<<<  Салли Райт. Убийство в университете             Chris Meletis. Enhancing Fertility: A ... >>>

А. И. Солженицын. А. И. Солженицын. Рассказы Мишель Деги. Стихотворения I-III Футбол КМ Джеффри Дж. Фокс. Как стать генеральным директором. Правила восхождения Fiona Waters. The Kingfisher Treasury of Magical Stories Работа Гогле Агент майл.ру О компьютерах Почта МСН Business and Human Rights: A Compilation of Documents (Raoul Виктор Доценко. Обратись к Бешеному Надежда Анохина. Откровения Ангелов-Хранителей. Ангел Газета.ру Г. Малахов. Энциклопедия народной медицины Жития Святых святителя Димитрия Ростовского (подарочный комплект из 12 книг). Евгений Светланов. Чайковский. Лебединое озеро (Избранное). Яхо Mya Maung. The Burma Road to Capitalism : Economic Growth Mark R. Miller. Carpentry & Construction
Ростов-на-Дону, Березники, Прокопьевск, Петрозаводск, Магнитогорск, Киров, Тобольск, Екатеринбург, Назрань, Кисловодск, Уфа, Тобольск, Волгодонск, Орск, Великие Луки, Волгоград, Пенза, Нальчик, Орёл, Санкт-Петербург, Таганрог, Северодвинск, Бийск, Братск, Оренбург,
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