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Eleni Hadjiconstantinou, Eleni Hadjiconstaninou Quick Response in the Supply Chain
Successful supply chain management is a source of competitive advantage in today's dynamic business environment. Relevant issues both at the strategic and operational levels of decision-making are considered in this book which provides the reader...
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Julie DeGalan, Stephen Lambert, Julie DeGalan, Stephen Lambert Great Jobs for English Majors
Great Jobs for English Majors is a big help to college graduates entering the working world. You will discover common career paths of graduates in your field, get help assessing your individual talents and skills, and learn what steps need...
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F. Marco Gotshaw Journeyman's Guide to the National Electrical Code 1999 Edition
This text provides full coverage of basic electrical principles and standards, as well as the newest references to the 1999 code. Numerous illustrations and worked examples throughout are augmented by review questions and multi-step problems that...
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Robert A. Haugen Beast on Wall Street
Shows how price-driven volatility explains many of the mysteries associated with stock price behavior. Covers the excess volatility problem of Shiller; the equity premium puzzle of Mehra and Prescot; the private information...
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Jo Alice Hughes The Art of Building a Brand: CEOs from BBDO Worldwide, Global Fluency, Stanton Crenshaw Communications & More on the Secrets Behind Successful Branding ...
Inside the Minds: The Art of Building a Brand is the most authoritative book ever written on branding, featuring an unprecedented collection of C-Level executives representing leading marketing companies from around the world. These visonaries...
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Douglas Coupland Microserfs
Narrated in the form of a Powerbook entry by Dan Underwood, a computer programmer for Microsoft, this state-of-the-art novel about life in the '90s follows the adventures of six code-crunching computer whizzes. Known as "microserfs," they spend...
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Steve Kovsky Absolute Beginner's Guide to Windows XP Media Center
Absolute Beginner?s Guide to Windows XP Media Center teaches the reader all about the technology that Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates calls the centerpiece of his vision for the home of the future. After...
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William M. Spears Evolutionary Algorithms: The Role of Mutation and Recombination (Natural Computing Series)
Despite decades of work in evolutionary algorithms, there remains a lot of uncertainty as to when it is beneficial or detrimental to use recombination or mutation. This book provides a characterization of the roles that recombination and mutation...
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Robert M. Gagliardi, Sherman Karp Optical Communications (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)
This updated edition concentrates on modern analysis and design. Includes new material in the key areas of digital communications, fiber optics, lightwave networks, atmospheric channels and space links—all of which are now critical topics in...
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Dieter Fensel, Katia Sycara-Cyranski, John Mylopoulos, Katia Sycara The Semantic Web - Iswc 2003: Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, Fl, Usa, October 2003 Proceedings (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2003, held at Sanibel Island, Florida, USA in October 2003. The 58 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from...
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Николай Сладков Николай Сладков. Собрание сочинений в трех томах. Том 2
Во 2-й том включены книги "Миомбо", "белые тигры", "Планета Чудес", цикл рассказов "Иду я по лесу"....
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Домой Tefal BF 5612 - электрочайник объемом 1,7 л и
Людмила Морозова. Болезни щитовидной железы: симптомы,
Marcus Noland, Howard Pack. The Arab Economies in a Changing World
Большая медицинская энциклопедия диагностики.
Компьютерные новости
А. Стругацкий, Б. Стругацкий. Бегство вперед
Все о Линукс
Почта Яхо
Королёв, Новороссийск, Ульяновск, Кисловодск, Тамбов, Новосибирск, Элиста, Волгоград, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Обнинск, Находка,
Философия| Биологические науки. Анатомия| Словари-справочники| Исторические приключения| Книжки 3D| Компьютер и интернет| Военные фильмы| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Международное право| Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Тесты, ПДД| Молодежные мелодрамы| Программы об армии, самообороне, оружии| Фантастические боевики| Энциклопедические словари|
mp3 аудиокниги, книжный, библиотека фантастики, |