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Мифологи серебряного века. В двух томах. Том 2
"Серебряный век" - особая эпоха, охватывающая конец XIX- начала XX века, предреволюционная пора. Гончарова Н. для своих книги выбрала четыре имени: Ф. Ф. Зеленин, А. А. Кондратьев, Д. С. Мережковский, В. Я. Брюсов. Составитель Гончарова Н. ...
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Gregory J. Dabel Saving Money in Nonprofit Organizations : More than 100 Money-Saving Ideas, Tips, and Strategies for Reducing Expenses Without Cutting Your Budget (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit and Public Management Series)
A very practical, walk-away-with-dozens-of-new-ideas book for nonprofit managers who face the constant challenge of increasing income and reducing expenses. The author not only encourages good fiscal management, he motivates the reader and...
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Edward E. Cohen Athenian Economy and Society
In this ground-breaking analysis of the world's first private banks, Edward Cohen convincingly demonstrates the existence and functioning of a market economy in ancient Athens while revising our understanding of the society itself. Challenging the...
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Richard Perren Agriculture in Depression 1870-1940 (New Studies in Economic and Social History , No 26)
This concise survey of British agriculture between 1870 and 1940 shows how, after a period of comparative prosperity, British farmers faced a period of depression. The prime cause was the increase in world food supplies and the competition from...
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Sheila Wellington, Betty Spence, Inc Catalyst Be Your Own Mentor: Strategies from Top Women on the Secrets of Success
Surprising secrets of success from some of America's women leaders; all the things a mentor would tell you are revealed in this mentor-in-a-book. Sheila Wellington, the president of Catalyst, draws on Catalyst research, contacts, and know-how to...
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Barry Naughton Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978-1993
Growing Out of the Plan is a comprehensive study of China's economic reforms, from their beginnings at the end of 1978 through the completion of many of the initial reform measures during 1993. The book focuses on industry and macroeconomic policy,...
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Etienne Bonnot De Condillac, Shelagh Eltis, Walter Eltis Commerce and Government: Considered in Their Mutual Relationship
This book is the first English language edition of Le Commerce et le Gouvernement by the distinguished eighteenth century economist and philosopher Condillac. It was one of the most original contributions to French economics in the eighteenth...
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Joanne Martin Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain
Expert author Joanne Martin examines a variety of conflicting ways to study cultures in organizations, including different theoretical orientations, political ideologies (managerial, critical, and apparently neutral); methods (qualitative,...
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Blythe Camenson Careers in Publishing
Expert guidance on exploring and choosing a career in publishing Ideal if you are a college-bound student or are thinking about making a career change, Careers in Publishing offers necessary information needed to explore the...
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Mike Bryon How to Pass Psychometric Tests, 2nd Ed
Employers want to ensure they fill their top management positions with candidates of the highest caliber, consequently recruitment to any management position is by rigorous selection, often including a range of psychometric tests.With correct...
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Martin John Yate, Peter J. Sander Knock 'Em Dead Business Presentations (Knock 'Em Dead)
Take Your Career to the Next Level with the New York Times bestselling Knock ?em Dead series! For more than a decade, Knock ?em Dead has been the first, middle, and last word for job seekers on navigating a competitive, and often...
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Домой Harley & Muscle. A Decade Of Truth (2
Конференция iXBT.com
Н. О. Чурзина. Пальчиковые куклы для домашнего театра
Ю. П. Луговская. Приколы, игры, розыгрыши для веселой компании
J. Frank Yates, J. Frank Yates. Decision Management:
Александр Минчин. Юджиния
Мария Власова. Силуэт. На этом диске Марии Власовой , первом
Справочник по лекарственным средствам, которыми обеспечиваются отдельные
Л. М. Климова. Delphi 7. Основы программирования. Решение
Почта Яхо
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Christopher D. Merrett, Norman Walzer. A Cooperative Approach
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