Герберт Спенсер

Герберт Спенсер. Синтетическая философия

Издание 1997 года. Сохранность отличная. "Синтетическая философия" Герберта Спенсера в сокращенном изложении Говарда Коллинза. Вступительная статья Ю. В. Павленко. Перевод с английского П. В. Мокиеского....

Leo Jones, Richard Alexander

New International Business English. Student's Book Cassette Set (3 аудиокассеты)

New International Business English is a flexible course at the upper-intermediate level for people who need or will soon need to use English in their day-to-day work. All four skills - listening, speaking, reading, writing - are...

Вадим Кожевников

Вадим Кожевников. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах. Том 2

Издание 1986 года. Сохранность хорошая. В том вошли рассказы 1943-1968 годов: " Десант ", " Рассказ о любви ", " Мастера расчёта ", " Парашютист ", " Свидание под синим небом ", " Песня над Нилом " и другие рассказы. ...

Уильям Сомерсет Моэм

Уильям Сомерсет Моэм. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 4

Издание 1993 года. Сохранность хорошая. В четвертый том Собрания сочинеий Уильяма Сомерсета Моэма вошли рассказы из различных сборников....

Thomas Morgan

Cases and Materials on Antitrust Law And Its Origins, 2nd Ed.

Cases are organized over four periods: a 25-year formative period from 1890 to 1914 in which most of today's issues were foreshadowed; a second 25-year period from 1915 to 1939 in which the "rule of reason" forced courts to investigate the actual...

Stephen C. Young

The Emergence of Ecological Modernisation: Integrating the Environment and the Economy? (Environmental Politics)

This book focuses on the attempts to "green" economies in advanced industrial societies, from the early debates of the 1970s through the new approach which has emerged in this decade. The essence of this approach, encapsulated in the phrase,...

D. K. Fieldhouse

The West and the Third World: Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development (History of the Contemporary World)

This comprehensive survey of the nature of the relationship between the Western countries and the Third World, and the debate over its effects, during the twentieth century matches development theory with wide-ranging evidence on the consequences of...

Richard J. Gilbert, Edward P. Kahn, Edward Kahn

International Comparisons of Electricity Regulation

This book offers the most comprehensive characterization assembled to date of the historical, institutional, and economic forces affecting electricity regulation. Eminent economists organized by the University of California Energy Institute survey...

Kurt Wright, Donn Bruns

Breaking the Rules, Removing the Obstacles to Effortless High Performance

Breaking the Rules is both an intensely personal self-improvement book and a business management book. On the self-improvement side it is a personal guide for discovering what you are like at your very best and how to be that way more often....

Angela Hattery

Women, Work, and Family: Balancing and Weaving

This study of 30 mothers looks at the varying ways women balance work and family life. It is carried out through intensive interviews and the data is examined from several theoretical standpoints, including structural theory, motherhood theory,...

Kenneth L. Hess

Bootstrap: Lessons Learned Building a Successful Company from Scratch

Special edition signed by the author, Ken Hess Bootstrap serves as a useful reference for the prospective or newly established entrepreneur and offers valuable lessons for anyone interested in building a self-funded company, regardless of...

<<<  Козырев М.А., Марковская И.М.. Гастродуоденальные ...             Chris Meletis. Enhancing Fertility: A ... >>>

Бесплатный хостинг Gabriel G. Casaburi. Dynamic Agroindustrial Clusters: Гогле Tobias Morchner. Frauenzimmer: Brothels in Germany : Patric Журнал "Viva!". № 5(010) 5 марта 2008. Журнал большого Народ.ру ULTRAVOX. RARE VOL 1. Исполнитель: ULTRAVOX Альбом: RARE VOL 1 Производитель: А. Пушкин. А. Пушкин. Стихотворения Farid Elashmawi. Competing Globally, Mastering Multicultural Рефераты Лента
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