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Patrick Forsyth The Negotiator's Pocketbook (Management Pocket Book Series)
A pocketful of proven tips, tools and techniques to gain positive advantage with confidence. Long on learning impact, short on words, this book gets you to the heart of the subject, fast. For the expert or beginner, this is a self-learning aid, an...
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David Baum Lightning in a Bottle
60+ essays enlighten your leadership and spark ideas for change. Full of energy and insight, David Baum sparks ideas for executives and managers to embrace change. Baum imparts his enlightened thoughts on leading change in over 60...
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Kenneth C. Gray, Edwin L. Herr Other Ways to Win: Creating Alternatives for High School Graduates
Updated Edition of Best Seller! Learn what steps your school needs to take to modify school programs to create viable options for your students. ...
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Reinhard Drifte Japan's Foreign Policy for the 21st Century: From Economic Superpower to What Power (St Antony's Series)
This book looks at Japan's foreign policy at the regional and global level from a power perspective. Reinhard Drifte argues that, although Japan still poses as a political pygmy, it is no longer an economic superpower. Instead, it increasingly...
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Pamela P. Peterson, Frank J. Fabozzi Analysis of Financial Statements (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Financial statements capture and report on four key business activities: planning, financing, investing, and operating activities. To intelligently understand, analyze, and interpret financial statements you must look for the right information, know...
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Marlene Caroselli, Linda Edison Quality Care: Prescription for Injecting Quality into Healthcare Systems
Quality Care highlights 10 outstanding TQM success stories. Case studies from award-winning healthcare organizations such as Franciscan Health System, Sinai Hospital, UCLA Medical Center and Cleveland Clinic Foundation give you the tools you need...
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Suranjan Choudhury, Suranijan Choudhury Public Key Infrastructure and Implementation and Design
Public Key Infrastructure Implementation and Design is a complete, concise guide for professionals. This book offers a complete reference on all aspects of public key infrastructure including architecture, planning, implementation,...
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Andrew T. F. Hutt Object Analysis and Design : Comparison of Methods
This book contains a comparison of 16 different object analysis and design methods and how they are used. It segments object analysis and design into a number of areas that can be studied separately....
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John Harris An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications
Fuzzy logic provides a unique method of approximate reasoning in an imperfect world. This text is a bridge to the principles of fuzzy logic through an application-focused approach to selected topics in Engineering and Management. The many examples...
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Vesna Hassler Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce (Artech House Computer Security Series)
If you're charged with maintaining the security of e-commerce sites, you need this unique book that provides an in-depth understanding of basic security problems and relevant e-commerce solutions, while helping you implement today's most advanced...
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Jesse Berst The Magnet Effect: Attracting and Retaining an Audience on the Internet Today, Tomorrow, and in the Future
In The Magnet Effect, Berst provides readers with techniques they can use to spot the trends, forecast the domino effects, and position themselves to pounce on opportunities. Predicting that the Net will be profoundly changed by cheap PCs,...
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Домой Русское радио
Thomas J. Buckholtz. Information Proficiency : Your Key to the
Владимир Кунин. ИнтерКыся
Facsimile. Й. Гайдн. Симфонии № 94 и 103. К изданию
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Справочник по лекарственным средствам, которыми обеспечиваются отдельные
Автомобильный портал
Цаган-Кувюн Параис. Краткая популярная астрология для всех
История советского драматического театра. В шести томах.
Живая планета. Хищные птицы. Сегодня все реже и реже можно увидеть
И. Д. Еналеева, Н. В. Мизюн. Справочник работодателя (+ CD-ROM)
Конференция iXBT.com
В. И. Даль. Иллюстрированный толковый словарь русского языка.
Питер Сандерс. Все о беременности. День за днем
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