Diana Pharaoh Francis

Path of Fate

Book DescriptionIn the land of Kodu Riik, it is an honor to be selected by the Lady to become an ahalad-kaaslane-to have your soul bonded with one of Her blessed animals, and roam the land serving Her will. But Riesil refuses to bow to...

Emile Zola

The Fortune of the Rougons (Rougon-Macquart)

Book DescriptionShe made no reply; but he realised that she was staggering. He thereupon handed the flag to one of the other insurgents and quitted the ranks, almost carrying the girl in his arms. She struggled a little, she felt so distressed at...

Gerry Finley-Day

Rogue Trooper: Future War (2000 AD Presents S.)

Book DescriptionFrom the phenomenal British classic sci-fi comic series, 2000 AD, comes this all-action tale of a future warrior from writer Gerry Finley-Day, legendary artist Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), and fan-favourites Colin Wilson and Cam Kennedy....

Intelligent Information Processing II : IFIP TC12/WG12.3 International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP2004) October 21-23, 2004, ... Federation for Information Processing)

Book Description This book is based on IIP2004, which provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, university and industry to present their latest research findings in any aspect of intelligent information processing. Papers on...

Glen Conrad

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Book DescriptionAfter being set up by a CIA operative organization and arrested many times by the US Department of Treasury, Conrad pulls off one of the greatest known escapes from a war zone in battle-torn Zaire. Accepting death before defeat he...

Sultan Kermally

Gurus on People Management

Book DescriptionA one step guide to the world's most important writers on managing people....

The Wiggles Eat Right : Sticker Stories (The Wiggles)

Book Description The Wiggles love fruit salad, but they don't want to eat it all day long! What else can they make that's healthy and tastes good too? Use the 75 full-color reusable stickers to help the Wiggles share ideas for healthy snacks with...

Karen MacNeil

The Wine Bible

THE WINE BIBLE is like a lively course from an expert teacher, grounded deeply in the fundamentals and enriched with passionate opinions, asides, tips, anecdotes, definitions, glossaries, illustrations, maps, photos, charts, and wine labels -...

214 ключевых иероглифов в картинках с комментариями

В книге, которую издательство предлагаем вашему вниманию, представлены 214 ключевых иероглифов, составляющих "Таблицу ключевых знаков", в соответствии с которой иероглифы систематизированы в японских и китайских словарях. По аналогии с...

Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung II. Zweiter Band. ErsterTeilband

Читателям предлагается собрание сочинений А.Шопенгауэра "Die Welt Wille und Vorstellung" на языке оригинала....

Е. В. Мельникова

Культура и традиции народов мира. Этнопсихологический аспект

Книга представляет собой научно-популярное страноведение. Она может служить пособием для студентов вузов при изучении курса "Культура и традиции народов мира". Цель данного издания - дать развернутое представление об отдельных народах,...

<<<  Экономика предприятия. Из Содержания: Выбор ...             Chris Meletis. Enhancing Fertility: A ... >>>

МТС Vivaldi. The Four Seasons. I Musici (Special Справочник практикующего врача. В справочнике изложены основные сведения Ifeoma Onyefulu. My Grandfather Is a Magician: Work and Wisdom in an African Топ майл.ру Агент майл.ру Бесплатный хостинг Nader G. Zamanir, Jonathan M. Weaver. CATIA Version КМ Андрей Анисимов. Близнецы. Тариф на друга Автомобильный портал Айвен Сандерсон. Карибские сокровища В. П. Козлов. Основы теоретической и прикладной археографии Энциклопедия для детей. Том 22. Информатика. Все о Линукс Rupert Graves. Richard II (Arkangel Shakespeare)
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