David Bigman, Teizo Taya

Floating Exchange Rates and the State of World Trade and Payments

Analyzes developments in the international monetary system since 1973, with anew added epilogue....

Evelyn Hu-Dehart

Across the Pacific: Asian Americans and Globalization (Asian American History and Culture)

Across the Pacific explores in descriptive and critical ways how transnational relationships and interactions in Asian American communities are manifested, exemplified, and articulated within the international context of the Pacific Rim. In eight...

Robert Sobel

The Big Board: A History of the New York Stock Market

This fascinating book shows how the New York securities market, with its promise of great wealth and its equally devastating disappointments, is a vital link in the history of American economic growth... Book Reviews | About the Author | Table of...

Carl G. Thor

Gainsharing: Creating and Sharing Success (Crisp Management Library, 26)

Among the methods high-performance companies use to improve and develop is an old idea with a new name. Gainsharing is simply an incentive program that shares the rewards of improved performance with employees. The idea has a few new added twists...

CIM Coursebook 02/03: Effective Management for Marketing

Butterworth-Heinemann's 2002-2003 CIM Coursebook series offers you the complete package for exam success. Comprising the fully updated coursebook texts and free online access to the MarketingOnline learning interface, it offers everything you need...

Dan Barron

Us Ad Review

9 x 12 600 color illustrations US and Canada Distribution US Ad Review is a fabulous collection of the best in print advertising from the past decade. Divided into 19 categories covering just about every industry, this reference provides a unique...

David Cassady

Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide

With the Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide gamers have the opportunity to save their world from an evil corporation which is siphoning off energy from the planet. Complete walkthroughs and all the maps help players navigate the game....

Alberto Paoluzzi

Geometric Programming for Computer Aided Design

Geometric Programming is currently of interest in CAD (Computer Aided Design) and related areas such as computer graphics, modeling and animation, scientific simulation and robotics. A growing interest towards gemotric programming is forecast in the...

Fastplanet Technologies, FastPlanet Technologies

Crystal Reports, Crystal Info 6.0 Administrator Workshop

For the IT professional, Crystal Info is designed specifically to be deployed across large organizations while providing a single, manageable system. This manual will help the IT professional to learn a meriad of Crystal Info issues as they relate...

Daniel, MD Farb, Bruce Gordon, Daniel Farb

OSHA Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of completion. With an...

Thomas F. Herbert

The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems

The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems provides an in-depth guide to implementing and using the Linux TCP/IP stack in embedded systems projects. It begins with a general overview of TCP/IP networking, with background information on...

<<<  Г. Поггенполь. Пицца. Самые вкусные рецепты             Chris Meletis. Enhancing Fertility: A ... >>>

Букет цветов. Раскраска цветными карандашами Виртуальные открытки Рейтинг Игры Транслит Norihisa Suzuki. Shared Memory Multiprocessing Яндекс С. Е. Щепетова. Менеджмент и экономика качества. От естественного к формальному, Родственный обмен. 5-8 серии. Кристина Орбакайте WITCHERY. DON`T FEAR THE REAPER. Исполнитель: WITCHERY Автомобильный портал Газета.ру Mehran Kamrava. Politics and Society in the Developing World Овен. Магнит. Подарок на магните с изображением Автомобильный портал Программы РБК Эль Тат. Практическое руководство по выбору
Вологда, Находка, Улан-Удэ, Абакан, Арзамас, Балашиха,
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