David Leslie

International Cultural Tourism : management, implications and cases

Book Description International Cultural Tourism: management, implications and cases provides a comprehensive exploration of the management, operations and marketing of cultural tourism attractions and resources in a global context. ...

Peter G. Zhang

Chinese Yuan (renminbi) Derivative Products: Derivatives Products

With the CNY revaluation perspectives, hundreds of billions of US dollars have been invested in various types of CNY-related derivative products. As a derivatives specialist with more than ten years' experience in the international financial market...

H. William Dettmer

Brainpower Networking Using the Crawford Slip Method

Book DescriptionInvented in 1925 by Dr. C.C. Crawford, professor of education at the University of Southern California, the Crawford Slip Method is an idea generator without equal. It's an easy-to-use, effective group survey tool that enables the...

Paul F. Borgese

Fear Selling: How You Can Sell More and Sell Faster by Tapping Into Your Prospects' Deep-Seated Emotional Needs

Book DescriptionTypically, before we worked with them, our clients were selling and marketing based on traditional features and benefits. If you're still using these outdated tactics, you're in trouble. Recent studies by the Sales Career...

Learning to Teach English in the Secondary School (Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School)

Book DescriptionLearning to Teach English in the Secondary School combines theory and practice to present a introduction to the opportunities and challenges of teaching English in secondary school classrooms. Each chapter explains the background to...

The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini (Cambridge Companions to the History of Art)

Book DescriptionThis Companion brings together commissioned essays focusing on important topics and themes of the career of Giovanni Bellini, the dominant painter of Early Renaissance Venice. The contributions consider Bellini's position in the...

Amy Kurtz Lansing

Historical Fictions: Edward Lamson Henry's Paintings Of Past And Present

Book DescriptionAmerican genre painter Edward Lamson Henry (1841-1919) was born in Charleston, South Carolina. He studied in Philadelphia before traveling to Paris, where he trained with Gleyre and Courbet. One of the most prolific and popular...

Thomas Crow

The Rise of the Sixties : American and European Art in the Era of Dissent

Book Description One of Thomas Crow’s most influential titles, The Rise of the Sixties , first published in 1996, provides an excellent overview of the major themes and figures in one of art history’s most radical and...

Stefan Buzas

Four Museums : Carlo Scarpa: Museo Canoviano, Possagnos Frank O. Gehry: Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Rafael Moneo: The Audrey Jones Beck Building, Museum ... Heinz Tesar: Dammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg

Book DescriptionThe book presents four of the most important contemporary museums of the world. Easch essay details the unique design concepts of each museum, illustrated with interior and exterior details....

Justina Robson

Natural History

Book DescriptionA daring and original new novel from one of sci fi’s most provocative voices, Natural History is a stunning work of bold ideas, unforgettable characters, and epic adventure as one woman seeks to explore what may be the...

George Hartigan

Due Process

Book DescriptionThe year is 2084. America is laboring under a vast reconstruction plan designed to rebuild the cities and bring the country out of a long depression. All hard copy records are declared illegal and computers are the only source of...

<<<  Мировая карта изобретений и открытий. Вашему вниманию ...             Chris Meletis. Enhancing Fertility: A ... >>>

Авдотья Смирнова, Татьяна Толстая. Кухня "Школы злословия" Универсальная соковыжималка, мощность 200 Вт, емкость МСН Maurice J. Elias, Harriett Arnold, Cynthia Steiger Hussey. ЖЖ Ф. Достоевский. Братья Карамазовы Химия. 9 класс. I полугодие. Поурочные планы по Deborah A. Harrell. Pinto's Hope Автомобильный портал Апорт Работа Н. А. Бережнева, А. Г. Голобородько, Д. П. Карпова, Из рук в руки
Казань, Волгодонск, Саранск, Северодвинск, Пермь, Салават, Новокуйбышевск, Тверь, Находка, Березники, ВеликийНовгород, Орехово-Зуево, Москва , Владивосток, Москва , Жуковский, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, НижнийНовгород, Невинномысск, Ухта, Череповец, Краснодар, Стерлитамак,
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