Исход Русской Армии генерала Врангеля из Крыма

Книга посвящена описанию последних боев Русской Армии генерала П.Н.Врангеля и ее эвакуации из Крыма и охватывает период с начала сентября по начало ноября 1920 года. Успешные наступательные действия белых захлебнулись, когда большевики, заключившие...

С. А. Шевелева

Деловой английский

Второе издание популярного учебного пособия "Деловой английский" значительно переработано и дополнено (1-е изд. - ЮНИТИ, 1997). Новое издание состоит из двух частей: Part One 13 Basic Units и Part Two 50 Business-Life Episodes ...

Боб Блэк

Анархизм и другие препятствия для анархии

Издание содержит статьи Боба Блэка (Bob Black) взятые из его книг, изданных "Loompanics Unlimited", "Autonomedia" и "Feral House"....

Томас Элиот

Томас Элиот. Избранное. Тома 1 - 2. Религия, культура, литература

В нашей стране известна главным образом поэзия Т.С.Элиота (1888-1965), крупнейшего англо-американского поэта, лауреата Нобелевской премии (1948). В этой книге он впервые представлен в России целостно как мыслитель-социолог, философ культуры,...

James M. Childs

Greed: Economics and Ethics in Conflict (Searching for a New Framework)

We live in an age of greed. Economic good times and the self-immolation of socialist alternatives have left capitalism unrivaled in popular minds as a way of life--a prized set of values and expectations. However, capitalism is not without its...

Garth Saloner, Andrea Shepard, Joel Podolny

Strategic Management

This book is written for current and future general managers who have or will have overall responsibility for a business. The authors provide a set of frameworks, tools, and concepts to build this capability. The goal of the book is to provide...

Mary Feeherry Deweaver, Lori Ciprian Gillespie

Real-World Project Management: New Approaches for Adapting to Change and Uncertainty (Productivity's Shopfloor)

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing environment, project managers wear many hats. Real-World Project Management offers practical guidelines on how to succeed in these various roles and in the context of changing project parameters. It shows...

Siu-Ah Ng

Hypermodels in Mathematical Finance

At the beginning of the new millennium, two unstoppable processes are taking place in the world: (1) globalization of the economy; (2) information revolution. As a consequence, there is greater participation of the world population in capital market...


Churchill on Leadership : Executive Success in the Face of Adversity

Success often depends on the strength of a single quality: leadership. Winston Churchill is universally recognized as one of the 20th century's great political leaders and his words ring just as true in the world of commerce. A wise, witty, and...

Bill Catlette, Richard Hadden

Contented Cows Give Better Milk

Recently released paperback version of the business title which absolutely, positively makes the case that treating people right is one of the best things any business can do for its bottom line. Contented Cows offers sound, practical advice for...

Science and Modern Agricult International Conference on Biotechnology, Robert E. Evenson, David Zilberman, Vittorio Santaniello, V. Santaniello

Market Development for Genetically Modified Foods

This book addresses a topical issue and is based on papers presented at the fourth meeting of The International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR), on Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology, held at Ravello, Italy, in August...

<<<  Анни Безант, Чарльз Ледбитер. Оккультная ...             John Godber. Godber Plays: 3 : April in ... >>>

Алекс Орлов. Тайна Синих лесов Знакомства Александр Генис. Довлатов и окрестности Яндекс Hoobastank. Every Man For Himself. Исполнители: Tom Ahern. How to Write Fundraising Materials That Raise More Билайн Luvox - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated QIP.ру QIP.ру Вакансии Britannica 2005 Ultimate Reference Suite (DVD) Willie Chien, Stan Shih, Po-Young Chu. Business Growth Strategies Топ майл.ру Т. П. Буслакова. Русская литература ХХ века. Учебный минимум Почта
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