Sondra Fraleigh

Dancing Identity: Metaphysics in Motion

Book DescriptionAccording to renowned performer, teacher, and dance scholar Sondra Fraleigh, "to value dance at all is to value the human, the beautiful, and the playful amid the erotic pulse of life. Dancing gives us the forms of our mind in...

William Bryk

Cabinet 18: Fictional States

Book DescriptionFrom the perfectly organized island nation of Sir Thomas More's Utopia to the idealized mountain stronghold of Eldorado visited by the naive hero of Voltaire's Candide , the idea of the fictional state--utopian or...

David Revere McFadden

Jack Lenor Larsen: Creator and Collector

Book DescriptionWidely considered a dean of twentieth-century textile design, Jack Lenor Larsen has also collected the crafts of world cultures and related contemporary art for the last fifty years. The synergy between his design and his collecting...

Lou Brooks

Skate Crazy: Amazing Graphics from the Golden Age of Roller Skating

Book DescriptionBy 1942, there were more than 3,000 roller rinks in America, and more than 10 million people skating. That era is captured in this glorious graphic portrait of the country's Golden Age of roller skating (1939-1959), which also...

Warren Kozak

The Rabbi of 84th Street : The Extraordinary Life of Haskel Besser

Book Description A Hasidic rabbi on Manhattan's Upper West Side, Rabbi Haskel Besser is a powerful and unique presence: a deeply religious man who is at home in the secular world. With an easy smile, Rabbi Besser spreads joy wherever he goes,...

Jennifer Frantz

My Little Pony: The Big Balloon Race (Festival Reader)

Book Description Daisy Jo wants nothing more than to win this year's Big Balloon Race. Everything looks great as she shoots into the lead, but what will Daisy Jo do when Butterscotch's balloon gets snagged in a tree? Daisy Jo shows that good...

Christine Geraghty

My Beautiful Laundrette : The British Film Guide 9 (Turner Classic Movies British Film Guides)

Book Description Described by Stuart Hall as "one of the most riveting and important films produced by a black writer in recent years," My Beautiful Laundrette was a significant production for its director Stephen Frears and its writer...

Gavin Lambert

Natalie Wood: A Life

Book DescriptionShe spent her life in the movies. Her childhood is still there to see in Miracle on 34th Street. Her adolescence in Rebel Without a Cause. Her coming of age? Still playing in Splendor in the Grass and West...

Michael Connelly

The Best American Mystery Stories 2003 (The Best American Series (TM))

Book DescriptionSince its inception in 1915, the Best American series has become the premier annual showcase for the country's finest short fiction and nonfiction. For each volume, a series editor reads pieces from hundreds of periodicals, then...

Joseph Mercola

The No-Grain Diet : Conquer Carbohydrate Addiction and Stay Slim for the Rest of Your Life

Amazon.comImpressively modern in design, The No-Grain Diet brings a realistic viewpoint to the problems of weight loss in a genuine effort to improve the health of an ever-growing number of obese Americans. Offering a variety of "food plans,"...

Clemence McLaren

Inside the Walls of Troy : A Novel of the Women Who Lived the Trojan War

Book Description Two women, one war. Helen, at age twelve, is not prepared to deal with her famous beauty: to have the face that will launch a thousand ships, kill fifty thousand men, and cause the fall of the world's greatest city....

<<<  Виктор Астафьев. Прокляты и убиты             John Godber. Godber Plays: 3 : April in ... >>>

Герд Тайсен. Тень Галилеянина Счетчик Михайлов С.. Хомячки Анатолий Найман, Галина Наринская. Процесс еды и беседы. 100 В. В. Козлов. Психотехнологии измененных состояний сознания М. А. Давыдова. Сценарии музыкальных календарных и фольклорных праздников Gioia Azadeh Pedrini-Talebi. This Could Be МТС Льюис Харрисон, Лаура Джонс. 30-дневная программа Лента Народ.ру Поиск людей Футбол Автомобильный портал Зипер А.Ф.. Фермерское птицеводство
Иваново, Волгоград, Тамбов, Салават, Орехово-Зуево, Ногинск, Тобольск, Новотроицк, Владикавказ, Киров, Коломна,
Экранизации детской литературы| Индийские комедии| Мистические боевики| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Молодежные комедии| Биологические науки| Лучшие боевики| Молодежные приключения| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Куклы| Словари и переводчики| Английский язык| Тесты, ПДД| Итальянский| Политические детективы| Музыкальные мелодрамы| Коммерческое право| Дизайн| Оригами (Бумага для поделок)| Финансовый менеджмент| География| Криминальные детективы| Электроника. Танцевальная музыка| Кредит. Аренда. Лизинг| Словари-справочники| Гражданское право| Мозаика. Смальта| Скульптура| Фильмы о ворах и мошенниках| Мистические фильмы| Бои без правил| Художественная литература| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Индийские приключения| Научная фантастика| История. Археология. Этнография| История экономики| Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Шпионаж и политика| Научно-популярные видеопрограммы| Домоводство. Рукоделие| Шпионские боевики| Поп-музыка| Школа раннего развития (до 5 лет)| Фильмы о мафии| Мистические драмы| Фармакология. Рецептура. Токсикология| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| Первобытное общество. Древний мир. Античность|
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