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Клиффорд Саймак, Роберт Хайнлайн, Азек Азимов Роковая кукла
В данный сборник вошли произведения известных американских писателей-фантастов К.Саймака, Р. Хайнлайна, А.Азимова, впервые переведенные на русский язык. ...
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Harvard Business School Press Harvard Business Review on Strategic Alliances
The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an...
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Kenichi Ohmae The Invisible Continent: Four Strategic Imperatives of the New Economy
Kenichi Ohmae's invisible continent is a moving, unbounded world, consisting of four dimensions: There's what you can see (old economy commerce, like bricks-and-mortar retail); a borderless world in which capital moves around, chasing the best...
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Louise Lamphere, Alex Stepick, Guillermo Grenier Newcomers in the Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy (Labor and Social Change)
Newcomers in the Workplace documents and dramatizes the changing face of the American workplace, transformed in the 1980s by immigrant workers in all sectors. This collection of excellent ethnographies captures the stench of meatpacking plants, the...
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Felice Primeau Devine Goof Proof Resumes & Cover Letters
In todays tough job market, the perfect resume and cover letter are a must for every job seeker. Learn the appropriate formats; find out how to best express skills, experience, and education; and gain valuable advice and tips on everything from...
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Wendy S. Enelow Best Resumes for People Without a Four-Year Degree
In today?s job market, more and more job seekers are required to submit a resume as part of the application process. While college graduates are used to writing resumes for professional positions, more and more non-college graduates ? from...
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Daniel J. Slottje Research on Economic Inequality, Volume 8
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R. Ainswort Profitable Grain Trading
A classic on grain trading, this book is a virtual encyclopedia on all facets involved. Contains many technical trading systems and much market wisdom. Among Ainsworth's proteges was Chester Keltner, still one of the best-known grain fundamental...
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Mark McGlinchey Let's Put Some Lipstick On This Pig? Practical and Innovative Insights for the Selling Professional
About the Title I?m not insinuating anyone is a pig. Nor am I suggesting you need to be wearing lipstick. I believe the saying ?let?s put some lipstick on this pig? originated in the brokerage/investment banking...
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Richard Lanham Revising Business Prose (4th Edition)
As its title implies, this book deals with revising, not with original composition. In business writing, where a first draft often emerges quickly under the pressures of facts, figures, and deadlines, revision is...
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Laura Acklen Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Word 2003
Everything a beginner needs to learn how to use Word is right here, presented in an easy-to-follow format. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Word 2003 takes the reader through the basics, from starting Word to creating,...
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Домой Brand X. Morrocan Roll. Альбом группы джаз-рока "Brand X" (организатор - Фил
С. М. Соловьев. История России с древнейших времен. Книга X. 1725-1740
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