Paul Schoensleben

Integral Logistics Management: Planning and Control of Comprehensive Supply Chains, Second Edition

Successful companies must strive to improve business processes on a comprehensive, coordinated level. Integral Logistics Management: Planning and Control of Comprehensive Supply Chains, Second Edition examines logistics in areas beyond the flow of...

Louise Kursmark

How to Start a Home-Based Desktop Publishing Business, 3rd

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own home-based desktop publishing business? Have you been hesitant to put your plans into action? This comprehensive guide contains all the necessary tools and strategies you will need to successfully launch...

Chen Huan-Chang

The Economics Principles of Confucius and His School

Volume 1 of a Two Volume Set The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School is a unique work. The author, Chen Huan-Chang, was a civil servant in the last years of the Qing Empire. After a traditional education in classical Chinese, Chen...

J. Dennis Jean-Jacques

The 5 Keys to Value Investing

How to determine what stocks are really worth­­ and buy the best at a discount "The Five Keys to Value Investing is practical, insightful, and a great roadmap to not only value investing but how to make money in...

Henrik Wenzel, Michael Hauschild, Leo Alting

Environmental Assessment of Products: Methodology, Tools and Case Studies in Product Development (Environmental Assessment of Products Methodology)

This major two volume work presents a new decision making tool which enables manufacturers and scientists to undertake life-cycle assessment (LCA) of new products from the design and development stages. The methodology allows the enviromental...

George E. Palmatier, Colleen Crum

Enterprise Sales and Operations Planning: Synchronizing Demand, Supply and Resources for Peak Performance

Operational excellence cannot be achieved by technology alone. An effective Sales and Operations process is essential to successfully implementing any integrated management system such as Enterprise Resources Planning or Supply Chain Management. ...

Philippe Malaval, Christophe Benaroya

Aerospace Marketing Management: Manufacturers, Oem, Airlines, Airports, Satellites, Launchers

This book contains 45 case studies of aeronautics and space companies including: Aeromexico, Airbus, Airbus Military Company, Air France,, American Airlines, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Boeing, Bombardier, CFM International,...

С. Бондаренко, М. Бондаренко

Microsoft Office 2003 в теории и на практике

Подробно рассмотрены все возможности основных компонентов Microsoft Office 2003: Word, Excel и Outlook. Особое внимание уделено хитростям работы и решению распространенных проблем. Описаны наиболее интересные программы сторонних производителей,...

Inc. Cisco Systems, Cisco Networking Academy Program

Cisco Networking Academy Program: Second-Year Companion Guide (2nd Edition)

The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program This newly revised and expanded edition maps to the current version of the web-based curriculum and contains many advancements and learning aids, including the following:...

Vandalay Group

Words@Work: Individual User CD-ROM

Words@Work, individual user CD-ROM, connects the learner to the skills they need to succeed as a communicator and a contributor in today's workplace. Interactive graphics and workplace simulations reinforce essential grammar, workplace writing, and...

Raj Subbu, Arthur C. Sanderson

Network-Based Distributed Planning Using Coevolutionary Algorithms (Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation - Vol. 13)

In this book, efficient and scalable coevolutionary algorithms for distributed, network-based decision-making, which utilize objective functions are developed in a networked environment where internode communications are a primary factor in system...

<<<  Уильям Ширер. Взлет и падение третьего рейха. В двух томах. ...             John Godber. Godber Plays: 3 : April in ... >>>

Михаэль Гаухман. Алгебра сигнатур Бочарова Т.А.. Не оставляй меня, Малыш! Поиск людей Таланты России. Валерий Полянский. Русская О компьютерах Ibp USA. Mexico a Spy Guide Чат HAYDN-SIN. OUVERTUERE. Исполнитель: HAYDN-SIN Альбом: OUVERTUERE Производитель: Шапошников Л.Е.. История русской религиозной философии МТС Рабочая тетрадь №2. Степень с целым показателем. Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. Teach Yourself Visually the Акиф Пиринчи. Дуэль Ричард Бах. Мост через вечность Из рук в руки Первый раз в первый класс. Литературно-художественное издание Перселл Г.. Полное собрание сочинений П. Я. Кочина, Н. Н. Кочина. Задачи о движениях со свободной Виртуальные открытки Одноклассники Рефераты
Находка, Астрахань, Новочеркасск, Щёлково, СергиевПосад, Рыбинск, Липецк, Томск, Нижневартовск, Междуреченск, Волгодонск, Глазов, Невинномысск, Жуковский, Орск, Питер, Санкт-Петербург, Ангарск, Обнинск, Пермь, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Первоуральск, Уссурийск, Калуга, Махачкала, Коломна, Новочеркасск, Владикавказ, Казань, Абакан,
Физико-математические науки| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Налогообложение| Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Танец. Хореография| Методы "слепого" набора текста| Экшен (Action)| Налогообложение| Психология и социология менеджмента| Биологические науки| Рыбалка| 3D графика, видео и анимация| Исторические личности| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Биология| Молодежные драмы| Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны| Информационное право| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Спектакли и театральные постановки| Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции| Логика (Logic)| Рыбалка и охота| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Искусство и культура|
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