Emmett J. Vaughan, Therese M. Vaughan

Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance

This consumer-oriented textbook addresses the principles of risk management without skimping on the discussion of insurance. It summarizes the nature of pure risk on the individual and on society and illustrates how insurance can be used to deal...

Jim Ware

The Psychology of Money : An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market (Wiley Finance)

Discover the Ideal Investment Strategy for Yourself and Your Clients "To enhance investment results and boost creativity, Jim Ware replaces the maxim know your investments with know yourself. And he gives us specific testing tools to do the...

Diana Whitney, Amanda Trosten-Bloom, David Cooperrider

The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change

The Power of Appreciative Inquiry describes a new strategy that inspires people and brings about a higher performance level in any organization. This method encourages people to study, discuss, learn from, and build on what works well when they are...

Jim Tomlinson

Democratice Socialism and Economic Policy: The Atlee Years 1945-1951 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Economic History)

This major new addition to Cambridge Studies in Modern Economic History analyzes the economic policies of the Attlee Government, incorporating already published literature and much new research. It integrates the politics of economic policy-making...

Jane Watson

Business Writing Basics (Self-Counsel Business (Paperback))

- Plan and write effective reports - Create professional letters, memos, and e-mail - Enhance the image of your business...

George E. Monahan

Management Decision Making: Spreadsheet Modeling, Analysis, and Applications (with CD-ROM)

Management Decision Making is a spreadsheet-based introduction to the tools and techniques of modern managerial decision making. The author shows how to formulate models in Microsoft Excel that can be used to analyze complex problems taken from all...

Frederick F. Driscoll, Robert F. Coughlin, Robert S. Villanucci

Data Acquisition and Process Control with the M68HC11 Microcontroller (2nd Edition)

This all-in-one reference offers comprehensive, in-depth coverage of the M68HC11 to readers who will be designing real systems using this popular microcontroller. Focusing on the M68HC11 as a laboratory measurement and process...

Nancy Wiefek

The Impact of Economic Anxiety in Postindustrial America

Wiefek presents evidence of a link between individual-level economic concerns and political opinion. Conceptualizing economic anxiety by applying social psychological theory to the distinct characteristics of the new American economy, she presents...

Geoffrey Heal

Nature and the Marketplace: Capturing the Value of the Ecosystem

In recent years, scientists have begun to focus on the idea that healthy, functioning ecosystems provide essential services to human populations, ranging from water purification to climate regulation. Nature and the Marketplace ...

Jack Doyle

Taken for a Ride: Detroit's Big Three and the Politics of Air Pollution

Smog was discovered in L.A. in the 1950s, and scientists showed that the city's burgeoning car population was the cause. Thus began almost 50 years of bobbing and weaving by the Big Three auto makers - General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler - to avoid...

Patricia Keehley, Steven Medlin, Sue MacBride, Laura Longmire

Benchmarking for Best Practices in the Public Sector : Achieving Performance Breakthroughs in Federal, State, and Local Agencies (Jossey-Bass Public Administration Series)

For leading companies in the private sector, benchmarking has become a major catalyst for change and a key tool for gathering information from competitors and process leaders, as well as from within. Benchmarking for Best Practices in the Public...

<<<  Н. Ф. Виноградова. Учимся думать и фантазировать. Рабочая тетрадь №1. 2 класс             John Godber. Godber Plays: 3 : April in ... >>>

Лента Рефераты Talib Damij. Tabular Application Development for Information Наталья Иванова. Борис Пастернак. Времена жизни Игры J. R. Perry. Dear Co-workers : The Blessings Just Keep STUDER DOB SINOPOL. STRAUSSR:SALOME. Исполнитель: Coltrane. Jaspar. Sulieman. Yong. Interplay Ответы А. М. Салмин. Шанский слон Поиск работы Первый штурм. Настоящий том, посвященный событиям первой русской Счетчик Великая война гоблинов. Рюносуке Камики ("Ходячий замок"), Чиаки Курияма Андреев А.. Гитара. Начальный курс импровизации Агент майл.ру Эдуард Фелистов. ArchiCAD 7.0 и Planix Home 3D Architect. Компьютер-архитектор Дж. Фрайден. Современные датчики. Справочник J. R. Perry. Dear Co-workers : The Blessings Just Keep О. В. Павлова. Психо-нейро-иммунные взаимодействия
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