Allan Savory, Jody Butterfield

Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision Making

Increasingly sophisticated technology and an ever-expand-ing base of knowledge have not been enough to allow humans to halt the worldwide progression of environmental degradation. Extensive fieldwork in both Africa and the United States convinced...

Christine Avery, Diane Zabel

The Quality Management Sourcebook: An International Guide to Materials and Resources

This unique guide presents annotated entries on over 900 of thre most useful books, articles, software, videotapesinteractive media and computer-based training programs on the important concept of quality management. Much more than just a...

Gord Barker, Robert L. Bogue

MCSE Training Guide (70 270): Windows XP Professional (With CD-ROM)

This complete learning package is a single source for authoritative preparation for Microsoft's challenging MCSE exam on Windows XP Professional (70-270). The authors present a systematic review of every key topic covered on the exam, including...

James L. Antonakos

The 68000 Microprocessor

Designed to demystify the Motorola 68000 microprocessor?its hardware and software?this detailed reference leads users on an in-depth, hands-on exploration of more than 75 different applications and then guides them through...

Peter Cope

The Photoshop User's Encyclopedia: Every Photoshop Term You're Ever Likely to Need, See or Use

It is the sheer size of Photoshop--that all-encompassing system universally used by designers, illustrators, and photographers-that makes it the leading application. Even professionals know only a small selection of the program's terms--so new users...

Sushil Jajodia, Larry Kerschberg

Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures

The traditional transaction model, with the atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability properties, was originally developed for data processing applications. To meet the new requirements and challenges for the next-generation information...

Marie Winn

The Plug-In Drug: Television, Computers and Family Life

How does the passive act of watching television and other electronic media-regardless of their content-affect a developing child's relationship to the real world? Focusing on this crucial question, Marie Winn takes a compelling look at television's...

Saw Palmetto - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referenc

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Архив полковника Хауза. Избранное. В 2 томах. Том 1

В первом томе архива бывшего советника президента США Вильсона - полковника Хауза - собраны дневники и переписка последнего с президентом Вильсоном и другими политическими деятелями за период с 1914 по 1917 год. ...

А. В. Лазарев

Золотой век Московской Руси. Царь Алексей Михайлович Тишайший

Царствование Алексея Михайловича, отца Петра I, стало "Золотым веком" Московской Руси. Последующие за этим реформы полностью изменили русский традиционный уклад жизни. Поэтому сегодня мы все чаще обращаемся к этому времени в поисках идеала...

Владимир Максимов

Владимир Максимов. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 5

В 5 том вошла вторая книга романа В. Максимова "Прощание из ниоткуда"....

<<<  С. Н. Трегубов. Основы уголовной техники, научно-технические ...             John Godber. Godber Plays: 3 : April in ... >>>

Билайн Агент майл.ру Работа Shirley Hazzard. Cliffs of Fall : And Other Stories Игорь Пащенко. Карманный справочник по Word Яндекс Том Эгеланн. Наследники Иисуса В. Шапарь. Мой босс - самодур Harriet Edquist. Harold Desbrowe-Annear: A Life Корбина Мегафон Крепкий орешек. Виталий Соломин ("Женщины"), К. А. Левковская. Немецкий язык. Фонетика, А. П. Аксенов. Нематериальные активы. Структура, оценка, Работа МТС Дмитрий Вересов. Аслан и Людмила Полтавский сборник. 1909, С.-Петербург. Сенатская типография. Типографский Л. Шапиро, Дж. Стокман. Компьютерное зрение Munier Sharrieff. Battle Of The Planets Г. Остер. Самое-самое
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