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Marcy Lerner Vault Guide to the Top 25 Technology Consulting Firms, 2nd Edition (Vault Guide to the Top 25 Technology Consulting Firms)
Vault brings its well-known journalistic approach to offer insider information on what it's like to work in top technology consulting. Covering 35 firms. including AMS, IBM Global Services, Electronic Data Systems, and more....
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Ralf Remshardt Staging the Savage God: The Grotesque in Performance
Book DescriptionIn this broadly conceived study, Ralf E. Remshardt delineates the theatre?s deep connection with the grotesque and traces the historically extensive and theoretically intensive relationship between performance and its "other,"...
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David W. Orr The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention
Book DescriptionThe environmental movement has often been accused of being overly negative--trying to stop "progress." The Nature of Design, on the other hand, is about starting things, specifically an ecological design revolution that changes how...
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Christoph Mackler Material Stone
Book DescriptionIn recent years building with stone has gained new significance, not only because of its impressive appearance, but also in the debate that has arisen in architecture between the monumental and the transparent. Principally used in...
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HST: Memories of the Truman Years
Book DescriptionBelieving that Americans should understand their leadership, Harry Truman was the first American president to authorize an oral history of his life and times. In that vein, almost forty years ago, the Truman Library in the...
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Elizabeth Lee Vliet It's My Ovaries, Stupid!
Book Description This landmark work in women's health identifies and offers solutions to the hormonal dysfunctions afflicting millions of young women, teens, and even children, that rob women of future fertility and contribute to devastating...
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Rodney Bolt History Play : The Lives and Afterlife of Christopher Marlowe
Book Description Rodney Bolt’s delightful life of Marlowe plays out a surprising solution to an enduring literary mystery, bringing the spirit of Shakespeare alive as we’ve never seen it before. Rodney...
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Kazimierz Sakowicz Ponary Diary, 1941-1943 : A Bystander's Account of a Mass Murder
Book Description About sixty thousand Jews from Wilno (Vilnius, Jewish Vilna) and surrounding townships in present-day Lithuania were murdered by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in huge pits on the outskirts of Ponary. Over a period...
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Daniel Nester God Save My Queen: A Tribute
Book DescriptionQueen's music is embedded in the popular consciousness - from sports stadiums and TV commercials to endless radio replay and Wayne's World. For Daniel Nester, it is also an enduring personal obsession. God Save My Queen explores the...
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Paul G. Woodford Democracy And Music Education: Liberalism, Ethics, And The Politics Of Practice (Counterpoints: Music and Education)
Book DescriptionOn the basis of Dewey?s principles, Paul G. Woodford explores the social foundation of current music education practices in the context of democratic values of freedom, creativity, and contribution to society. He then critiques...
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Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17 : Proceedings of the 2004 Conference (Bradford Books)
Book DescriptionThe annual Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference is the flagship meeting on neural computation. It draws a diverse group of attendees -- physicists, neuroscientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and computer...
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Домой О статусе военнослужащих. В издании приводится текст
Анатолий Марченко. Малиновский. Солдат Отчизны
Icon Health Publications. Avocados: A Medical
Катя Чехова. Я - робот (mp3). Вслед за дебютным альбомом певицы
Лена Перова. Теперь я. "Теперь я". Именно
Джеймс Хэдли Чейз. Джеймс Хэдли Чейз. Полное собрание сочинений в тридцати
Юрий Лейдерман. Олор
Виртуальные открытки
Steven A. Greenberg. Single Stock Futures: The Complete Guide
Stephen Haber. The Politics of Property Rights : Political
Василий Щепетнев. Темные зеркала
Жили-были: Русская обрядовая поэзия. "Нам, составителям
Г. М. Семенов, М. В. Ковшова, В. Л. Петришин.
Статуэтка "Золотой слиток". Золотой слиток
Энгельс, Архангельск, Новокуйбышевск, Сызрань, Бийск, Новочебоксарск, Дербент, Нижний Тагил, Саранск, Барнаул,
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