Fred Kirkman

The Incredible Hoax: The Nature of the Beast

Book DescriptionAn amazing, essential, entertaining, factual and fascinating look at our "mad cash disease," the nature of man and money. Also free access to an equally riveting website. Good to have, The Perfect gift" Not to do so, are sins of...

Phyllis Lai Lan Mo

Tax Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance Measures in Major Developing Economies

Book DescriptionTax avoidance has created problems with far-reaching implications for the economic development of developing economies. This book focuses on the issues of tax avoidance, as well as on measures designed to combat it, in China, India,...

John Bryant

Introduction to Bioethics

Book Description Introduction to Bioethics is a comprehensive introduction to the broad field of bioethics, focusing on key issues directly relevant to students of modern biological and medical sciences. Ethical issues relating to both plants...

Brenda Harris

Painting With Brenda Harris: Precious Times

Popular TV instructor Brenda Harris has a gift for breaking down hesitation and resistance in the beginner to yield startling results in just a few hours. In Painting with Brenda Harris, Volume 1: Cherished Moments, Brenda proves her giftis just as...

Adrian Davies

Nature: Digital Photographers Handbook (Digital Photographers Handbook)

Book DescriptionNATURE is the fifth book in THE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHERS HANDBOOK series. The images are demystified into four processes: Shoot it, Scan it, Manipulate it, and Print it. The book covers specific digital technologies--from cameras,...

Carel Blotkamp

Mondrian: The Art of Destruction

Language Notes Text: English (translation) Original Language: Dutch This book on Mondrian, one of the great pioneers of abstract art, analyzes the interrelation between his paintings and his theories on art and life as...

Girad Clacy

Captain's Final Log Entry

Book DescriptionCaptain John Powers is on what turns out to be his final charting mission with his ship and STARCORE. When the message comes in that the USS PERFORMANCE is to be decommissioned at the end of the current mission, John starts the...

Stephanie Rabig

We Were Strangers

Many people know about the Greek Gods and Goddesses--what most don't suspect is that Zeus and the others had a different home world before they ever came to Earth. After belief in them faded on our world, they returned to their...

Mercedes Lackey

This Scepter'd Isle (The Scepter'd Isle)

Book DescriptionThe FarSeers among the Sidhe of Elfhame Avalon have seen two visions of the future. In one, an evil queen will take the throne and welcome the Inquisition in, debauching the nation and threatening even the elf strongholds throughout...

Percy Walters

Scott's Ark

Book DescriptionThe end is coming. Will you have a seat on the Ark? World tensions are rapidly escalating. Something very big and very bad is on the horizon. Meanwhile, the American government sits complacently behind rose-colored glasses. ...

Geocat: Territorial Loops/Territoris Enllacats

Book Description GeoCat sets out to follow the tradition of charting or map-making as the capturing of visual records of a territory--in this case, Catalonia--where the force of the urban seems to presage imminent transformation in its...

<<<  Т. А. Шустанова. Репетитор по биологии             John Godber. Godber Plays: 3 : April in ... >>>

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