Леопольд Фон Захер-Мазох

Венера в мехах

Скандально знаменитая книга австрийского писателя Леопольда фон Захер-Мазоха "Венера в мехах" (1870) прославилась тем, что стала первой отчетливой попыткой фиксации и осмысления сексуально-психологического и социокультурного феномена мазохизма. В...

Daniel Sitarz

Small Business Accounting Simplified: Everything Necessary to Skillfully Manage Your Business Finances

Includes bookkeeping and accounting forms, instructions, and checklists for: Invoices and Sales Profit and Loss Statements Balance Sheets Inventory Records Payroll Records ...

Thurman W. Arnold

The Bottlenecks of Business

"The Bottlenecks of Business" is a shrewd and knowledgeable commentary on our economic system, particularly the commercial and industrial infringements on our liberties--the "bottlenecks" Which tend to obstruct the free flow of goods in our...

Robert Giloth

Jobs & Economic Development: Strategies and Practice

"Job-centered economic development" integrates approaches from the fields of economic development, employment training, social services and community development. Its strategies focus on connecting disadvantaged adults and youth to...

Nancy Birdsall, John Williamson, Brian Deese

Delivering on Debt Relief: From IMF Gold to a New Aid Architecture

The idea of extending debt relief to the world?s poorest countries has been hotly debated over the past few years. That debate has moved into the glare of the spotlight now that Bono, lead-singer of the Grammy-award winning band U2, has begun...

Jennifer, Dr Mohammed, Samuel Lochan

Understanding Educational Financing: A Manual for Developing Countries

These modules on educational financing evolved from of series of seminars held in the small states of the Caribbean and the Pacific. The project was set up to improve the financial understanding and budgetary skills of key education personnel and to...

Anne McKinney

Resumes And Cover Letters For Managers: Job-winning resumes and letters for management positions (Anne McKinney Career Series)

Destined to become the bible for managers who want to make sure their resumes and cover letters open the maximum number of doors while helping them maximize in the salary negotiation process. From office manager to CEO, managers trying to relocate...

Fred L. Block

The Vampire State: And Other Myths and Fallacies About the U.S. Economy

The Vampire State is a popular and provocative look at the muddled way we talk about economics in America. In engaging prose, Fred L. Block argues that many familiar metaphors, such as the image of the government as a vampire sucking the lifeblood...

Richard Disney

Can We Afford to Grow Older?

" Can We Afford to Grow Older? is an impressive book which makes a major contribution toward the consolidation of our knowledge and understanding the economic aspects of what appears to be inevitable and probably irreversible demographic...

Price Pritchett

Carpe Manana

10 critical leadership guidelines for managing toward the future. The changing world we live in demands absolutely different behaviors than those on which we have relied on in the past. Discover how to handle the entirely new kinds of...

Sid L Huff, Sid Huff

Cases in Electronic Commerce

Cases in Electronic Commerce is a collection of 25 full-length case studies written by professors at the renowned Richard Ivey School of Business. Each case study is centered around a real-world company and provides sufficient detail on the...

<<<  П. Чайковский. Альбом пьес. Переложение для альта и фортепиано. В сборник ...             И. Я. Браславский, З. Ш. Ишматов, В. Н. Поляков. Энергосберегающий ... >>>

Various. Arien zum Autofahren. Исполнитель: Поиск работы DIV.SOL.DIRIG.+ORCH.. DIV.:HIMMLISCHE M. Исполнитель: DIV.SOL.DIRIG.+ORCH. Вики Vaya Con Dios. Time Flies. Издание содержит буклет с текстами Дик Фрэнсис. Лучше не возвращаться Cicero. Cicero: Letters to Atticus, III, 166-281 Мегафон Народ.ру Е. А. Князев, Я. Ш. Евдокимова. Бенчмаркинг для вузов Steven D. Strauss. Business Start-Up Kit Михаил Ахманов. Наследник Shira Boss. Green With Envy: A Whole New Way to Look at Financial (Un)Happiness
Уфа, Великие Луки, Абакан, Белгород, Кисловодск, Казань, Питер, Магнитогорск, Северск, Новосибирск, Тула, Новотроицк, Серпухов, Элиста, Волжский, Балаково, Барнаул, Калининград, Новокузнецк, Люберцы, Новокузнецк, Улан-Удэ, Самара, Астрахань, Воронеж, Волгодонск, Междуреченск,
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