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Donald C. Fisher Homeland Security Assessment Manual: A Comprehensive Organizational Assessment Based On Baldridge Criteria
Book DescriptionSince the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, America has made great strides in improving homeland security. Yet, our nation?s critical infrastructure, facilities and organizations are at risk?and vulnerable. How do...
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Thomas E. Getzen Health Economics : Fundamentals and Flow of Funds
Book DescriptionA practical primer to the dynamic field of health economics. Written by Thomas Getzen, a leading academic and practitioner, and currently Director of the International Health Economics Association, this complete, accessible text...
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O. Ray Whittington Wiley CPA Examination Review, Volume 1, Outlines and Study Guidelines, 30th Edition, 2003-2004
Book DescriptionVolume 1 Outlines and Study Guides Covers all four sections of the CPA Examination point by point Stresses important topical areas to study for each part Helps establish a self-study...
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Lyall Watson American Cockroach
Book Description Catherine Chalmers's second Aperture monograph invites us to meditate on the pleasures and terrors of the common domestic pest, Periplaneta americana, also known as the American cockroach. In three different series of...
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Tadashi Ozawa Como Dibujar Anime Vol. 3: Acciones Cotidianas / How to Draw Anime Vol. 3: Everyday Actions
Book DescriptionVolume 3, Bringing Daily Actions to Life, features procedures on how to draw Anime characters in a variety of dynamic poses, including instruction on using angles to suggest movement....
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Brent E. Turvey Rape Investigation Handbook
Book DescriptionThis work addresses specific investigative and forensic processes related to sex crimes for those who work in law enforcement, the defense community, or in the private sector. It is an unprecedented collaborative work -- the first...
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Joel Tettamanti Urban Landscape Switzerland
Book DescriptionSettlement areas today can no longer be aptly described as either "urban" or "rural". We now live in sprawling conglomerations, collages of urban, suburban, and rural elements. New political solutions need to be found, challenging...
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Peter Wollen, Joe Kerr Autopia : Cars and Culture
The reach of the car today is almost universal, and its effect on landscapes, cityscapes, cultures_indeed, on the very fabric of the modern world_is profound. Autopia is the first book to consider the culture of the automobile in the...
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Princess and the Pauper (Barbie Panorama Sticker Book)
Book Description Based on the latest direct-to-video Barbie movie, the newest title in this best-selling series comes alive. Girls can follow along with the story and then create their own version with over 60 reusable stickers and a two-sided...
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Neil Duxbury Frederick Pollock And The English Juristic Tradition (Oxford Studies in Modern Legal History)
Book DescriptionFrederick Pollock and the English Juristic Tradition provides the first detailed historical account of one of England's great jurists. Until the later decades of the twentieth century, law developed little as an academic discipline...
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Booker T. Washington My Larger Education: Chapters From My Experience (Classics in Black Studies)
Book DescriptionThe preeminent African American leader in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) took a conciliatory stance toward the White majority, preferring to work behind the scenes rather than...
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Домой Каталог софта
Рудницкая В.Н., Юдачева Т.В.. Математика: 4 класс: Учебник для учащихся
Александр Волков. Волшебник Изумрудного
И. А. Бунин. Грамматика любви
Стойкая ухаживающая крем-краска "Palette Фитолиния" 800. Темно-каштановый.
Shaun Walker, Joe Brinkman, Bruce Hopkins, Scott McCulloch,
David Young. Techniques of Management Accounting : An Essential Guide for Managers
Одри Нелсон, Сюзан Голант. Язык мимики и жестов. Что это такое
А. С. Пантелеев, А. Л. Звездин. Филиалы, представительства,
Чон Ин Сун, И. Л. Касаткина. Пособие по переводу
Компьютерные новости
Жорж Бернаж. Немецкие танковые войска. Битва за Нормандию 5
Вадим Ильин. Люди - феномены
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Л. А. Кирик. Физика. 9 класс. Самостоятельные и контрольные
Василий Гроссман. Жизнь и судьба
А. А. Зернов. Что такое хороший бой охотничьего дробового
Эстер Верхойф-Верхаллен. Собаки. Выбор, уход, обучение, породы
Новочебоксарск, Тверь, Энгельс, Смоленск, Северодвинск,
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