James E. Hartley, Kevin D. Salyer, Kevin D. Hoover

Real Business Cycles: A Reader

This volume fills a gap by presenting a collection of the essential articles that define and develop the real business cycle school, as well as those that criticize it. Key areas include: the establishment of the real business cycle program; the...

Willie Henderson, Tony Dudley-Evans, Roger Backhouse

Economics and Language (Economics As Social Theory)

The importance of language in economics has been neglected and dominated by techniques from other disciplines. This looks at the wider methological implications of language within economics in a practical and theoretical way...

Thomas L. West, Jeffrey D. Jones

Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies

Unlike the M&A fever that gripped so many large, publicly held corporations in the 1980s, the mergers and acquisitions activity of the 1990s is primarily centered around small and midsize businesses. But the sale and purchase of these companies...

Paul S. Goodman

Missing Organizational Linkages: Tools for Cross-Level Research (Foundations for Organizational Science)

The "organization linkage" concept is relatively new. This book provides a unique and very valuable approach to the study of organizations - how do actions among individuals and groups affect (or not affect) organizations as a whole, and vice...

Laura Berman Fortgang

Living Your Best Life: Discover Your Life's Blueprint for Success

Being happy doesn't have to be hard, says prominent personal coach Laura Berman Fortgang. We each possess an internal compass that expresses our individual wisdom and points to the things that would most fulfill us. Personal and professional...

Alvin Hansen Symposium on Public Policy 2002 Harvard University), Alan B. Krueger, James J. Heckman, Benjamin M. Friedman

Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policies? (Alvin Hansen Symposium on Public Policy at Harvard Unviersit)

The surge of inequality in income and wealth in the United States over the past twenty-five years has reversed the steady progress toward greater equality that had been underway throughout most of the twentieth century. This economic development has...

Richard S. Wilson, Frank J. Fabozzi

Corporate Bonds: Structure and Analysis

Corporate Bonds: Structures & Analysis covers every aspect of corporate bonds, including bond structures, credit analysis, and investment strategies. This book discusses state-of-the-art technology for valuing corporate bonds, as well as...

Peg Faimon

Design Alliance: Uniting Print + Web Design to Create a Total Brand Presence

In the 21st century, designers need to be able to successfully combine both print and Web technology in their work to ensure a regular client base and a strong business. This book shows them how. The first section is a visual, image-intensive...

Kip R. Irvine

Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers (4th Edition)

Designed for students and professionals interested in learning the basics of operating systems and architecture in the context of a microprocessor. Irvine shows how to approach programming problems with a machine-level mindset. Readers will benefit...

June Parsons

Practical Office XP

Hands-on approach to learning the basics of Microsoft XP with an interactive CD and book companion....

Robert Morrow, Robert Morrow

WiFi and Bluetooth Coexistence

Wireless Network Coexistence deals with the integration and practical applications of the entire gamet of wireless services, including Wi-Fi, Wi-Media, ZigBee, and Bluetooth. It discusses what each of the services has to offer, what...

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Нигма Stuart S. Nagel. African Development and Public Policy Патрик Александер. Смерть раненого зверя с тонкой кожей (аудиокнига Рефераты Евгений Гомельский. Игра гигантов Одноклассники Уильям Шекспир. Ромео и Джульетта Мэри Блейк. Как рисовать. Пастель. Пошаговое руководство для начинающих Гогле Н. Н. Литвинов. Я люблю цифровую фотографию. Статистика Яхо Discovery: Замки с привидениями. Шотландия. Топ BradyGames. Kingdom Hearts II Official Strategy Guide (Bradygames Signature Статистика John Zukowski. Java Collections Michael H. Lane. Customs Modernization and the International Рейтинг
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