Martin Holland

The European Union and the Third World

This text provides a broad-ranging analysis of the EU's relations with the developing world today set in the context of the policy, debates and changes of the 1990s and the EU's historical ties to the Third World. Covering the whole range of the...

Phil Agulnik, Julian Le Grand, David Piachaud, John Hills

Understanding Social Exclusion

This book explores the issue of social exclusion. It asks three main questions: How can social exclusion be measured? What are its main determinants or influences? And what policies can reduce social exclusion? The authors aim to consider how a...

R.J. Johnston, P.J. Taylor

A World in Crisis?: Geographical Perspectives

The 1970's witnessed widespread recognition of the world as a single, interconnecting whole. The 1980's have shown that this whole is not operating as a self-sustaining system. In short we appear to live in a world in crisis- manifesting itself in...

Robert T. Grauer, Maryann T. Barber, Robert Grauer, Maryann Barber

Exploring Microsoft Office Professional 2000 Volume 2

All books in this series offer consistent presentation?common design, pedagogy, and writing style. Concepts as well as key-strokes are stressed. Hands-on exercises in every lesson provide just the right amount of practice time. MOUS...

William Greider

Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country

This ground-breaking best-seller reveals for the first time how the mighty and mysterious Federal Reserve operates -- and how it manipulated and transformed both the American economy and the world's during the last eight crucial years. Based on...

Jim McMenamin

Financial Management: An Introduction

This first year text looks at the subject of financial management from a UK academic point-of-view. Financial Managementis perfect for the non-finance student....

Mark S. Scarberry, Grant W. Newton, Kenneth N. Klee, Steve H. Nickles

Business Reorganization in Bankruptcy, Cases and Materials

Includes a combination of explanatory text, cases, and problems that permit the professor to use either a problem-based approach or a more traditional case-based approach. Ample explanatory text orients students to the issues and helps them bring a...

Sarah White

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Marketing (Complete Idiot's Guide To...)

From online marketing to old-fashioned word-of-mouth, readers will find a comprehensive update on key marketing basics, as well as such topics as: ? Guerilla marketing ? Marketing to Boomers and Latinos ? Online...

Steven Webster, Alistair McLeod

Developing Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex

With Flash Player on approximately 98 percent of computers connected to the Internet and Flash itself evolving from a simple animation tool to a robust rich-client development platform, there's been just one thing missing from Macromedia's...

Julie Sussman

Instructor's Manual t/a Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition

This instructor's manual and reader's guide accompanies the second edition of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs , by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. It contains discussions of exercises and other...

Donna Rice Hughes, Donna Rice Hughes

Ninos en Internet : Como proteger a sus hijos en el ciberespacio

Esta obra es una voz de alerta ante el peligro que corren los ninos cuando se conectan a Internet, medio cuyas caracteristicas son propicias para que depredadores ciberneticos sorprendan a inocentes pequenos...

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