Yew-Kwang Ng

Welfare Economics : Towards a More Complete Analysis

This book attempts to make welfare economics more complete by discussing the recent inframarginal analysis of division of labor and by pushing welfare economics from the level of preference to that of happiness, making a reformulation of the...

Marshall W. Dennis, Thomas J. Pinkowish

Residential Mortgage Lending: Principles and Practices

Designed for both employees of mortgage lenders and individuals studying real estate finance, Residential Mortgage Lending: Principles and Practices provides an overview of mortgage banking and outlines strategies that mortgage bankers can utilize...

Frank J. Fabozzi, Frank J. Fabozzi

Selected Topics in Equity Portfolio Management

There are many styles, models, and factors that go into the management of an equity portfolio. The traditional manager's focus on stock picking and the resulting ad hoc nature of portfolio construction can lead to poorly defined portfolios. Thus the...

Rob Lebow, Randy Spitzer


Accountability shows how to get people in organizations to be more personally accountable for high performance in their work and for the success of the organization ? without resorting to the traditional management systems that rely on control...

Sanat Mohanty

An Elephant Named Sustainability

An Elephant Named Sustainability is written for the global citizen. In a very broad manner, it outlines the various components of sustainability and the interlinkages between these components. This is important so that the global citizen does not...

Clifford H. Edwards

Classroom Discipline and Management (Wiley/Jossey-Bass Education)

Reflecting the latest research into multicultural education and conflict resolution, this popular book helps teachers choose the discipline models that best fit their personal values and educational philosophies. Using illuminating narratives and...

Marilee Sprenger

Differentiation Through Learning Styles and Memory

This comprehensive resource provides educators with practical strategies for guiding students to access what they have learned, utilizing their own personal learning styles and strengths. ...

Richard H. Enns, George McGuire

Computer Algebra Recipes

Aimed at undergraduates in their second or third year, this book is filled with examples from a wide variety of disciplines, including biology, economics, medicine, engineering, game theory, physics, chemistry. The text is organized along a spiral,...

Icon Health Publications

Cervical Cancer: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Icon Health Publications

Ginkgo Biloba: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Loren Abdulezer

Excel Best Practices for Business: Covers Excel 2003, 2002, and 2000

Spreadsheets have become the de facto standard for communicating business information and the preferred tool for analyzing business data. In this current climate, the accuracy and clarity of spreadsheets are paramount. However, busy managers have...

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Счетчик Д. Артемьев. Super Happy End Прирожденные охотники. 1: Пустыня. 2: Коралловый риф. Документальный фильм, Лев Толстой. Лев Толстой. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати томах. Том Александр Горбачев, Дмитрий Котлеев. Microsoft Windows Статистика Народ.ру Н. Н. Павлова. Азбука дошкольника Пирл Моррисон. Укротитель ветра Corrie Hosking. Ash Rain О компьютерах Lamb Of God. Killadelphia (CD + DVD). Представляем живой Иннокентий Павлов, сост.. Новый Завет. Избранные тексты. Интерпретации. Комментарии
Королёв, Саратов, Братск, Ярославль, Великие Луки, Москв, НижнийНовгород, Электросталь, Назрань, Новосибирск, Тольятти, Пермь, Оренбург, Смоленск, Вологда, Санкт-Петербург, Ковров,
Общество, история| Пародийные комедии| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Программы об автомобилях| Спорт| Журналы и периодика| Фильмы-катастрофы| Новая история (XVII вв. -1917 гг.)| Биология| Основы предпринимательства| Химия| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Приключенческие триллеры| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Автомотоспорт| Подводный мир и дайвинг| Поп-музыка| Обучаем играя| Современные драмы| Рок-музыка| Остросюжетные сериалы| Домашний круг| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| Налогообложение| Интернет - легко и просто!| Электросвязь, электроакустика, радиосвязь| Цена и ценообразование| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Музыка на DVD| Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Начальная школа| Антивирусы других производителей| Авантюрные приключения| Рыбалка| Скульптура| Археология| Информатика| Фантастические сериалы| Телесериалы| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Общий менеджмент| Детское творчество| Для садоводов и огородников. Видеоуроки| Развлекательные программы| ASP, Perl, CGI, Python для разработки Web-сайтов| Ролевые (RPG)|
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