Deepak Lal

The Hindu Equilibrium: India C.1500 B.C.-2000 A.D.

Book DescriptionIndia is an emerging giant. This book explains its long economic stagnation and recent rise by examining its social, political and historical evolution in long term perspective. It explains how its distinct social system based on...

Nick Adnett

The European Social Model: Modernisation Or Evolution?

Book DescriptionThis timely book explores the development of the European Social Model and questions whether the relatively high level of social protection provided, both in terms of social welfare provision and in the creation of workers?...

Morad Bouchakour: Party! In the Netherlands

Book DescriptionFor a photographic research project and exhibition meant to document a subject of Dutch cultural life, photographer Morad Bouchakour visited numerous and various parties throughout Holland, from the wedding of Dutch crown prince...

Jeff Gusky

Silent Places

Book DescriptionSilent Places is an indelibly moving collection of photographic images; their melancholy beauty and emotional depth provide a glimpse into the past and into eternity Jeff Gusky, a doctor of emergency medicine decided, at the age...

Nam June Paik

Nam June Paik: Global Groove 2004

Book DescriptionIn 1974, WNET-Channel 13 in New York City broadcast Nam June Paik's Global Groove , a whirlwind, multi-media piece and one of the most influential works of video art. The program took a wide look at culture and transformed the...

Karen Barnes

Naturopathic First Aid: A Guide to Treating Minor First Aid Conditions With Natural Medicines

Book DescriptionConcise guide to assembling basic and specialized naturopathic first aid kits. Second Revised and Updated Edition....

Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights

Book DescriptionHeathcliff comes to the brooding mansion of Wuthering Heighths as an orphan child. Cathy is the daughter of the wealthy family that takes him in. They are drawn together from the moment they meet, their love consuming, destructive,...

Leslie Dawson

How to Save Up to $3,000 a Year on Your Diabetes Costs

Book Description Diabetes is riddled with expenses--but within this book are the best ways to save on those expenses when living on a low income. Completely updated to address current topics and issues that reflect our changing society and health...

Memory and Popular Film (Inside Popular Film)

Book Description Taking Hollywood as its focus, this timely book provides a sustained, interdisciplinary perspective on memory and film from early cinema to the present. Considering the relationship between official and popular memory, the...

Joy Cowley

Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Scrubbing Machine

Book Description For twenty-five years, children all over the world have delighted in Mrs. Wishy-Washy and her cleaning adventures. Now she's got a scrubbing machine to help her, but it has a mind of its own! Will the scrubbing machine get Mrs....

Miriam Zellnik

The Big Ball of Blame

Book DescriptionEveryone makes mistakes-but that doesn't mean everyone should shoulder the blame, does it? Here, readers will learn the ancient art of evading, avoiding, or just plain dodging responsibility for any and all screwups that may occur...

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Корбина Счетчик THE NATIONAL PHILH. THE MERRY WIDOW:. Исполнитель: THE NATIONAL PHILH Альбом: Сигизмунд Кржижановский. Чужая тема (аудиокнига MP3) МСН Виртуальные открытки Франкенштейн. Роберт Де Ниро ("Бешеный Пес и Глори"), Кеннет Брана Marilyn Helmer. Three Tuneful Tales: The Bremen Town Musicians, the Pied Piper И. А. Ширшов. Толковый словообразовательный словарь русского языка Companion to Renaissance Drama (Blackwell Companions to Literature Поиск мета Сковорода "Malmberg", чугунная. Диаметр 26 см. Для того, чтобы приготовить Мегафон Газета.ру Гого Dana Gioia. Disappearing Ink : Poetry at Наташа Колесникова. Страсти в сентябре BRENDEL/CHICAGO SY. BEETHOVEN:KLAV.KO. Исполнитель: Виртуальные открытки Kathy, Ph.D. Malloch. The Quantum Leader: Наталья Андреева. Фобия Эдвард Радзинский. Боги и люди
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