Савенков А.

Путь в неизведанное: как развивать свои исследовательские способности

В учебнике-тетради содержатся материалы, которые помогают учащимся 5-9 классов проводить собственные исследования и реализовывать свои проекты. «Представлен алгоритм действий от выбора темы до подготовки к ответам на вопросы при защите работы....

Claire Wilcox

Vivienne Westwood (Va)

The London Daily Express called this first full study of Vivienne Westwood's work as a groundbreaking fashion designer "a delight for any followers of fashion." More than 200 illustrations present Westwood's dynamic fashions; outfits worn by...

John Gerard

200 Illustrations from Gerard's Herbal CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art)

Book Description From a rare and vast storehouse of botanical information—beautiful, royalty-free illustrations of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and garden flowers. Ideal for craftwork as well as for use in gardening books, cookbooks and...

Michael Frayn

The Copenhagen Papers: An Intrigue

Book Description One day, during the British run of Copenhagen , winner of the Tony Award for best play in 1999, Frayn was presented with a curious package from a London housewife that contained a few faded pages of barely legible German....

Brad Strickland

Marsquake! (Mars Year One)

Book Description A Startling Discovery The colony is racing to complete its deep drilling project on the shoulders of Olympus Mons to tap the underlying heat of Mars for power generation. When an unexpected underground cavity collapses,...

Ann Moore

Leaving Ireland (Thorndike Press Large Print Women's Fiction Series)

In the second installment in a historical trilogy that began with Gracelin O'Malley (2001), Moore's heroine, Gracelin, now wanted for murder in Ireland, is forced to leave her newborn son in the care of her father and sister-in-law, making the...

John T. Irwin

Words Brushed by Music : Twenty-Five Years of the Johns Hopkins Poetry Series (Johns Hopkins: Poetry and Fiction)

Book Description Over the past twenty-five years, the Johns Hopkins Poetry and Fiction series has published thirty-one volumes of poetry, beginning in 1979 with John Hollander's Blue Wine and Other Poems . The series was launched with two...

Eleanor Estes

The Curious Adventures of Jimmy McGee

Book Description Jimmy McGee is a tiny, leprechaun-like man whose peaceful life is disrupted when he rescues Amy's doll Little Lydia from a monstrous wave that sweeps her off the beach. Can Jimmy find a way to restore Little Lydia to her...

Carol J. Oja

Making Music Modern: New York in the 1920s

Book DescriptionNew York City witnessed a dazzling burst of creativity in the 1920s. In this pathbreaking study, Carol J. Oja explores this artistic renaissance from the perspective of composers of classical and modern music, who along with writers,...

Diabetes Mellitus: A Fundamental and Clinical Text

Book DescriptionThis is the first book on diabetes mellitus to incorporate recent molecular and cellular findings with clinical and therapeutic aspects of the disease. The book provides physicians with a thorough understanding of the...

Ben M. Baglio

Tabby In The Tub

Book Description A wild tabby cat has turned up in Welford and Mandy is worried. The poor cat is about to have kittens, and she has no one to look after her. Bill Ward, the postman, comes to the rescue, allowing her to live in his garden shed....

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МТС Deborah Strober. The Reagan Presidency: An Oral History Erotic Moods. Эротические настроения. Инструментальная электронная Почта.ру Н. П. Ахметьева, Е. Е. Лапина, М. В. Лола. Почта.ру Haider A. Khan. Interpreting East Asian Growth and Почта.ру Ливе Джон Р. Р. Толкин. Хоббит, или Туда и ЖЖ Яхо Статистика Чат Вера Тихомирова. Блюда из овощей Каталог софта Почта.ру Бесплатные объявления А. В. Могилев, Е. К. Хеннер. Н. И. Пак. Информатика Margi Levy. Strategies for Growth in SMEs, First Edition Почта
Орёл, Благовещенск, Щёлково, Бийск, Кемерово, Балашиха, Рыбинск, Коломна, Калининград, Калининград, Томск, Москв, Ставрополь, Хабаровск, Владикавказ, Новосибирск, Воронеж, Набережные Челны, Междуреченск, Великие Луки, Омск,
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