Милан Кундера

Книга смеха и забвения

"Книга смеха и забвения" Милана Кундеры, автора романов "Невыносимая легкость бытия", "Вальс на прощание", "Бессмертие", вышла на чешском языке в 1978 году. Это следующее после романа "Шутка" (1967) обращение писателя к теме смеха. В различных...

Мирзакарим Норбеков

Энергетическая клизма, или Триумф тети Нюры из Простодырово

Вы держите в руках очередной подарок от автора мировых бестселлеров "Опыт дурака, или Ключ к прозрению: Как избавиться от очков", "Где зимует кузькина мать, или Как достать халявный миллион решений". Новая книга академика Норбекова содержит...

James Clark-Dawe

Equine Liability: What Every Horse Owner Needs to Know

Backyard horse owners, riding instructors, clinicians, boarding barns--anyone who has any connection to horses needs to read this book! Attorney James Clark-Dawe--himself a rider, has collected dozens of actual legal cases that illustrate liability...

Elizabeth Chesla


An innovative classroom-tested approach to improving workplace writing, presented in 20 easy-to-follow lessons that build confidence and skillsuFAST!...

Lance A. Berger, Dorothy R. Berger

The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence by Identifying, Developing, and Promoting Your Best People

The Talent Management Handbook explains how organizations can identify and get the most out of “high-potential people” by developing and promoting them to key positions. The book explains: 1. A system for...

Gayle Backstrom

I'd Rather Be Working

Those living with chronic illness face many unique challenges, and among the most daunting can be the search for meaningful, well-paying employment and the challenge of providing for oneself. This first-of-its-kind guide helps readers evaluate...

Kazakhstan Export-Import and Business Directory

Ultimate directory for conducting export-import operations in the country. Largest exporters and importers, strategic government and business contacts, selected export-import regulations and more...

Blaine McCormick

At Work With Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is most often remembered as an ingenious inventor, however, history has overlooked the fact that he was also a talented businessman. "At Work with Thomas Edison" seeks to revive his forgotten business legacy by giving modern managers...

Alice M. Sapienza

Creating Technology Strategies : How to Build Competitive Biomedical R&D

This book provides concepts and pragmatic illustrations from the industry to help the reader understand complex and difficult issues that are crucial in biomedical research and development. It is intended to bridge the gap between R&D scientists and...

Madeline Bodin

Maximizing Call Center Performance

This book shows call center managers how to leverage technology to solve specific needs. It's packed with innovative solutions for customer service, billing, collections, and technical support. It provides practical applications for technologies...

Michael Johnston

The Nonprofit Guide to the Internet: How to Survive and Thrive

Everything nonprofits need to boot up, log on, and benefit from the Net Now revised and expanded, this easy-to-use guide is packed with the vital information and advice you need to attain—and maintain—a cyberadvantage. Covering...

<<<  Россия и международное право. В сборнике представлены ...             Хелен Филдинг. Оливия Джоулз, или Пылкое ... >>>

Nicholas Papayanis. Planning Paris before Haussmann "Ничто не случайно...", или Законы здоровья. Елена Бочкова, Андрей Борцов. Христианство Почта.ру Поиск майл.ру Лента А. А. Кыров. Комментарий к Федеральному закону Поиск майл.ру Алексей Рыбин. Пуля для депутата Средние городские слои в странах Тропической Вакансии Сомерсет Моэм. Театр Дональд Тисон. Подлинная магия ангелов Cергей Минаев. Духless. Повесть о ненастоящем человеке Аладьев В.З.. Системы компьютерной алгебры: Maple: Искусство Odyssey Bogussevich. Joke. Данное издание содержит буклет-постер
Новороссийск, Воронеж, Пятигорск, Нижневартовск, Тамбов, Уфа, Благовещенск, Старый Оскол, Москва , Артём,
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