Скрипка. Фортепиано. Джордж Гершвин - Яша Хейфец. Транскрипции

Содержание: Из симфонической сюиты "Американец в Париже". Из оперы "Порги и Бесс" Летнее время. Мой муж умер. Простите мне дерзость мою. Бесс, ты теперь моя жена. В темпе блюза. Три прелюдии для...

David A. Aaker

Brand Portfolio Strategy: Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity

With the explosion of brands in today's marketplace, a mastery of brand management has become essential to successful business strategy. Faced with an increasingly complex landscape of multiple products, global reach, and dynamic markets, many...

Бобби Дж. Г. Вейсс, Жаклин Уилсон, Джефф Мариотт

Бобби Дж. Г. Вейсс, Жаклин Уилсон. Между мирами. Джефф Мариотт. Зеркальный образ

Сестры Холлиуэл не единственные, кто празднует Хэллоуин. В этом году празднование омрачается серией странных разрушений в городе. Зачарованные хотят спасти город. Но им придется бороться с необычным противником - призраком… Фиби...


Непременное условие хорошей вечеринки - веселые розыгрыши, шуточные гадания, игры, конкурсы. В этой книге вы найдете игры на любой вкус - и на вашем празднике, будь то свадьба, мальчишник, день рождения или корпоративная вечеринка, уже никому, ни...

Michael Eisenstadt, Eric Mathewson, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

U.S. Policy in Post-Saddam Iraq: Lessons from the British Experience

"Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators."?Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Stanley Maude, March 1917 American troops promising to end a despot?s tyranny and usher in an era of...

Thomas Mayer

Monetary Policy and the Great Inflation in the United States: The Federal Reserve and the Failure of Macroeconomic Policy, 1965-1979

This unique book deals with the most serious macroeconomic failure experienced in the US in the post-war period: the great inflation of the late 1960s and 1970s. It is the first detailed analysis, using Federal Reserve documents, of the thinking...

Bengt KarlA¶f

Benchmarking Workbook: With Examples and Ready-Made Forms

The Benchmarking Workbook will do exactly what the title suggests ? make it easier for you to put theory into practice. It is a "do-it-yourself" guide to benchmarking. Benchmarking methods are simple, easy to grasp, and universal ?...

Roxanne Emmerich

Thank God It's Monday: How to Build a Motivating Workplace

Thank God It's Monday challenges the conventional wisdom we learned in business schools. Emmerich attacks the command and control business models that have been bankrupt for years in a world where employees are being asked to do more with less,...

Joseph Monks

Schaum's Outline of Operations Management

This thoroughly revised, updated edition takes into account the more recent participative, strategy-oriented approach to operations management. Throughout, descriptive material and basic concepts are presented in a question-and-answer, solved...

Kym Anderson, B. Hoekman

Global Trading Systems (Tauris Financial Histories)

In recent years trade has been transformed by significant growth and the increased interdependence of countries. But this very increase in world trade has brought problems, with disputes over markets, tariffs, and profit. Attempts to address...

William F. Fisher, Thomas Ponniah

Another World is Possible: Popular Alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum

Many believe that there are no alternatives to globalization as we know it--with its world of giant corporations in the driving seat, dominating a "free" market in reality shaped in accordance with their dictates, and elevating economics over...

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