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В. К. Погоцкий Реальный зубритель английского
Предлагается оригинальная авторская методика обучения иностранному языку. Использован принцип совмещения неадаптированного иностранного текста с полным пословным и литературным переводом, включая транскрипцию. Технология "зубрителя" пригодна как для...
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Alfred Marshall Money, Credit, and Commerce
Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) was the foremost British economist of his time. Among his areas of expertise was monetary analysis. Written in 1923, MONEY, CREDIT, AND COMMERCE devoted to this subject, is his last major work. Among the proposals...
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Richard Block, Karen Roberts, Ronald O. Clarke Labor Standards in the United States and Canada
Labor standards and how they relate to international trade are often the subject of contentious discussions. Many argue that nations with higher standards find themselves at a competitive disadvantage against nations with lower standards. Until...
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Ravil Bukharaev The Model of Tatarstan: Under President Mintimer Shaimiev
The Republic of Tatarstan, the ancient Muslim country located in the heartland of the Russian Federation, has been traveling the same unknown path in the minefield of post-Communist market transition as the rest of the former Soviet Union. Yet...
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Bhaskar Dutta, Matthew O. Jackson Networks and Groups
The organization of individuals into networks and groups is of fundamental importance in many social and economic interactions. Examples range from networks of personal contacts used to obtain information about job opportunities to the formation of...
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Marion K. Pinsdorf All Crises Are Global: Managing to Escape Chaos
From the Enron scandal to the Ebola virus scare, from oil spills to acts of terrorism, crises scar our age. And whether it's an expensive product recall or a deadly airplane crash, any crisis can turn into chaos unless there's an effective...
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Robert Epstein The Big Book of Creativity Games: Quick, Fun Acitivities for Jumpstarting Innovation
In the modern economy, where most workers are knowledge workers, creativity and innovation are the most easily sustainable competitive advantages. In The Big Book of Creativity Games , Harvard trained psychologist Robert Epstein provides...
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Robert F. Wilson, Adele Beatrice Lewis Better Resumes for Executives and Professionals (Better Resumes for Executives and Professionals, Ed 4)
Men and women seeking business leadership positions require a special kind of resume. Updated, and filled with tips on getting the most out of internet facilities and word processing software, this book presents more than 100 model resumes that...
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Stephen Lambert, Julie DeGalan Great Jobs for History Majors
Great Jobs for History Majors helps students explore career options within their field of study. Every aspect of the job-search process is covered, including assessing talents and skills, exploring options, making a smooth transition from...
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Global Offshore Tax Guide (World Offshore Investment and Business Library)
Tax regulations and guidelines for conducting offshore business in 33 offshore countries and territories. Updated annually, available on a CD-ROM....
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Carlotta R. Anderson All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement (Great Lakes Books)
This engaging biography chronicles the life and work of Joseph A. Labadie, Detroit's controversial individualist anarchist and nationally prominent labor organizer at the height of Gilded Age labor ferment. A flamboyant and colorful personality, he...
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Домой USA Ibp. China: Business Law Handbook
Русское радио
Hieronymus Bosch. Garden of Earthly Delights
Kate McMullan. Dragon Slayers' Academy (Dragon
День рождения. День рождения - это семейное торжество,
Каландаров Т.С., Терехов В.П.. Путешествие в страну
Виртуальные открытки
А. А. Пешков, В. И. Брагин, А. Г. Михайлов, Н. А. Мацко.
О компьютерах
Helen Bradley. Print Magic! : Creating Crafts Using Digital Photos
Конференция iXBT.com
Daniel Sarewitz. Frontiers of Illusion: Science, Technology, and the Politics
О компьютерах
BJ Cole. Trouble In Paradise. Мастер игры
Ухта, Октябрьский,
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