Hans Daellenbach

Management Science : Decision-Making Through Systems Thinking

Book Description Written for a wide-range of mathematical abilities, this comprehensive, accessible overview emphasizes the conceptual aspects of decision-making rather than mathematical techniques or computer methods. Structured around a clear...

Milena Ercole Pozzoli

Castillos Del Loira (Lugares E Historia)

Book DescriptionWhat could be better than a leisurely tour through the Loire Valley, marveling at grand castles and reveling in the lush green landscape? This book takes readers on such a trip, with color photographs of richly decorated rooms,...

Pierre Assouline

Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Biography

The first full biography ever published?a vivid portrait of this complex, curious, brilliant man. The twentieth century was the century of the image?and Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) was the eye of the century.Through the...

Daniel Birnbaum

Michael Joo

Book DescriptionExploring how science, religion and the media shape consciousness, Michael Joo's artworks knit together the physical and the metaphysical. Matter and subject matter, energy and waste, the visible and that which cannot be seen--this...

Joe Phillips


Book Description16 month Calendar! Full Color cover and Insides! A collection of images from acclaimed artist Joe Phillips! Joe Phillips has the special ability to capture the true playfulness of the Gay male while still understanding the...

Hazel Soan

Vibrant Watercolours (Collins Learn to Paint S.)

Book DescriptionLearn to paint with the guidance of experienced artists and teachers. Each of the guides in the Learn to Paint series is written by a professional and includes everything you need to begin: basic advice on paints and...

Pierre A. Julien

The Skull Unleashed

In a world of steel and sorcery, dragons and trolls; in a land torn by warring kingdoms, a band of stoic adventurers quest to end the villainy of the Skull of Perdelious. The Skull is an ancient relic, born from a cursed sorcerer's demise. Besides...

Vincent Scully

The Shingle Style Today: Or The Historian's Revenge

Book DescriptionDistinguished by long, sloping gables, horizontal lines, and a continuous shingle covering on the exterior, the Shingle Style's essential objective was the creation of expanding, flowing space. The Shingle Style embodied intellectual...

John P. Irwin

Another River, Another Town : A Teenage Tank Gunner Comes of Age in Combat--1945

Book DescriptionMany narrative accounts of men in combat during World War II have conveyed the horrors and emotions of warfare. However, not many reveal in such an intimate way the struggle of innocent youth to adapt to the primitive code of...

Гиперборей. Ежемесячник стихов и критики. № 2, ноябрь, 1912

Санкт-Петербург, 1912 год. Типография Ю. А. Мансфельд. Оригинальная обложка. Сохранность удовлетворительная. Листы обрезаны вручную. ...

Гарри Гаррисон

Спасательный корабль

Эта книга — подарок для любителей настоящей научной фантастики! Межзвездные перелеты, секрет антигравитации и тайны искусственного интеллекта — вот лишь немногие из ошеломляющих достижений человеческого разума, которые, по мнению Гарри Гаррисона,...

<<<  Bruce Armstrong, Millard Brown. PowerBuilder 9: Advanced Client/Server ...             Various. DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories: ... >>>

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