О. И. Елисеева

Лечение хронических и онкологических заболеваний. Часть 4. Лекарственные травы: борьба с опухолями

В четвертой части книги доктора О.И.Елисеевой вы прочитаете о применении лекарственных трав в лечении опухолей молочной железы и женских половых органов, аденомы и рака простаты, онкологических заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта, опухолей...

Rawi Abdelal

National Purpose In The World Economy: Post-Soviet States In Comparative Perspective (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

Book DescriptionHow do national identities affect the world economy? Building on the insight that nationalisms and national identities endow economic policy with social purpose, Rawi Abdelal proposes a novel theoretical framework, a distinctively...

Jeffrey Slater

College Accounting 1-25

Book Description Backed by Jeffrey Slater's 31+ years of teaching experience, College Accounting returns once again in this updated and improved Ninth Edition. This revision retains the renowned Slater approach?presenting...

Aspatore Books

Inside the Minds: Wealth Strategies for Doctors--Leading Financial Planners on Investing Techniques for Building & Maintaining Wealth (Inside the Minds)

Book DescriptionThis book is by: M. Eileen Dorsey, Money Consultants Advisory, Inc. - FINANCIAL PLANNING BASICS: A MUST FOR DOCTORS D. Scott Neal, D. Scott Neal, Inc. - Rx FOR BUILDING WEALTH William Barton Boyer, Parsec Financial -...

Strategic Human Resource Management : Theory and Practice

Book DescriptionThe Second Edition of this highly successful course reader provides a comprehensive, contemporary and critical review of the key issues in strategic human resource management. The book draws upon the work of some of the most...

William J. Mckibbin

Isoquantal Capital Modulation: A Harmonic Modeling Approach to Understanding And Managing the Investment Decision

Book DescriptionThe purpose of business is to employ capital factors in such a manner as to generate value for its customers and profits for its owners. To achieve these ends, management must make at least three distinct decisions ? the...

John, Jr. Parker

Arise Sir Sean Connery

Sean Connery has more box–office clout today than he did four decades ago as the young James Bond, but the man himself remains a mystery. John Parker’s biography sheds new light on the life and career of this intensely privatestar....

Ashley la Grange

Basic Critical Theory for Photographers

Book DescriptionBasic Critical Theory for Photographers generates discussion, thought and practical assignments around key debates in photography. Ashley la Grange avoids the trap of an elitist and purely academic approach to critical theory, taking...

Paul Wheeler

Practical Cinematography, Second Edition

Book DescriptionFilmmaking is an art, but, like so many art forms, there are basic underlying tools and techniques and a body theoretical knowledge that must be understood and mastered before artistic expression can flourish. This book is an...

Bob Balaban

Mcgrowl #3 (McGrowl)

Book DescriptionThomas's class is taking a trip to Devil's Island, and Thomas is bringing along his bionic best friend, McGrowl. Thomas and McGrowl can't wait to take part in all the fun nature activities. But the boy-and-dog dream team soon notice...

Icon Health Publications

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age

Book DescriptionThis sourcebook has been created for patients who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health...

<<<  И. Л. Бим, Л. И. Рыжова, Л. М. Фомичева. Deutsch. Die ersten Schritte. 3 ...             Various. DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories: ... >>>

КМ Е. Шварц. Обыкновенное чудо (аудиокнига MP3) Elaine S. Potoker. Managing Diverse Working Styles : The Leadership Знакомства Одноклассники Чингиз Абдуллаев. Взгляд Горгоны И. А. Бунин. И. А. Бунин. Повести и рассказы Путешествия МТС Ричард Бах. Хроники хорьков. Хорьки-детективы Наталия Левитина. Тренчкот Gabetta, Sol. Tschaikowsky, Saint Saens, Ginastera. Исполнитель: Gabetta,
Северск, НижнийНовгород, Рязань, Кисловодск, Пермь, Грозный, Самара, Кострома, Сургут, Орехово-Зуево, Коломна, Новокузнецк, Москва, Великие Луки, Невинномысск, Чебоксары, Стерлитамак,
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