Carolyn Nilson

How to Start a Training Program: Training Is a Strategic Business Tool in Any Organization

Whether your company has a one-person training department, a start-up resources function, or nothing at all, this book will show you how to implement successful and cost-effective training programs that will produce tangible bottom-line results....

Elaine Richer

Maine Real Estate: Principles and Practices

Using a clear, concise writing style, the author presents step-by-step explanations with examples requiring no previous background in the subject. The text has been completely updated fully preparing users with the appropriate material, guidance,...

G. William Barnett II, Robert G. Allen

Are You Dumb Enough to Be Rich? The Amazingly Simple Way to Make Millions in Real Estate

With a foreword by Robert G. Allen No investment strategy has created more millionaires than real estate. Even in less-than-stellar economies, real estate offers a "safe harbor" to people wishing to make smart, low-risk investments. And now...

A. Keyton Weissinger

ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

Updated to cover ASP 3.0 and IIS 5.0, ASP in a Nutshell provides the high-quality reference documentation that web application developers really need to create effective Active Server Pages. It focuses on how features are used in a real...

Ken Schwaber

Agile Project Management with Scrum

Apply the principles of Scrum, one of the most popular agile programming methods, to software project management?and focus your team on delivering real business value. Author Ken Schwaber, a leader in the agile process movement and a co-creator...

Richard Vidgen, David Avison, Bob Wood, Trevor Wood-Harper

Developing Web Information Systems : From Strategy to Implementation

Developing Web Information Systems brings together traditional system development methods that have been taught for many years on information systems and computer science courses with web/e-commerce development. It is the first book to bring...

Joe Kraynak

Que's Official Internet Yellow Pages, 2003 Edition

Information online is not stored or organized in any logical fashion. Que's Official Internet Yellow Pages, 2003 Edition helps organize and catalog this information in a single resource for convenience. Sites that provide the best...

H. Alan Mantooth, Mike Fiegenbaum

Modeling With an Analog Hardware Description Language (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 291)

Modeling with an Analog Hardware Description Language spells out, in general terms, what modeling with an analog hardware description language (AHDL) adds to the existing field of computer simulation, using specific examples to develop this...

Vitamin D - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Кай Майер

Мерле и каменный лев. Книга 1

Мерле никогда не знала своих родителей. Она выросла в приюте, а когда ей исполнилось двенадцать, ее отдали в ученицы зеркальщику Арчимбольдо - его волшебные творения были известны во всей Венеции. Но ее ученичеству не суждено было продлиться долго....

Анна Ларина-Бухарина


А. М. Ларина, вдова Н. И. Бухарина, видного теоретика социализма и одного из ближайших соратников Ленина, рассказывает о полных драматизма страницах своей жизни и жизни мужа. Большое место в ее воспоминаниях занимают эпизоды, связанные с...

<<<  Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter. Rich Dad's Rich Kid, Smart Kid: Giving ...             Various. DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories: ... >>>

Корбина Программы МСН Чат 100 Hits Blues Rock (mp3). Общее время звучания - 7 ч. 54 мин. Знакомства VARIOUS. VOCAL. Исполнитель: VARIOUS Альбом: VOCAL Производитель: Polydor Thomas D. Beamish. Silent Spill: The Organization of an Industrial Crisis Кристина Скай. Черная роза Ханума. Людмила Макарова ("Ослиная шкура"), Владислав Стржельчик Яндекс КМ H. Roger Neal. Streetwise Investing in Rental Housing: A Detailed Strategy Яхо Кант и кантианцы. Издание 1978 года. Сохранность хорошая. Hengelbrock, Thomas. DHM Splendeurs: J.S. Bach: Messe Игорь Манн и Анна Турусина. Маркетинговая машина. Ruth Gasson, Andrew Errington. The Farm Family Новости Ливе
Орск, Краснодар, Псков, Междуреченск, Владимир, Москва , Таганрог, Рыбинск, Москв, Омск, Междуреченск, Улан-Удэ, Бийск, Люберцы, Щёлково, Новомосковск, Рубцовск, Нижневартовск, Артём, Октябрьский, Орёл, Тамбов, Братск, Канск, Москва,
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