J. T. Stewart

PowerAchieving : Turn your potential into reality

Book DescriptionPowerAchieving is a personal growth and development book that outline essential powers that it takes to achieve in life and business. PowerAchieving removes excuses and give reasons that one can achieve their dreams. By using the...


Math for the Trades

Book Description This book serves readers who want to assess and improve the math skills they need to succeed at work. A complete review of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word problems ensures improvement of these essential math skills. With...

Sanjaya Mishra

Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training

Book Description Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training emerges out of the need to share information and knowledge on the research and practices of using multimedia in various educational settings. The book discusses issues related to...

David Cook

The Natural Step: Towards a Sustainable Society (Schumacher Briefing)

Book DescriptionThe Natural Step framework for sustainability was first developed in 1989. The framework and the organization, The Natural Step International, have been through many changes during that time, yet the essence of this unique,...

Julian Page

Implementing Lean Manufacturing Techniques: Making Your System Lean and Living With It

Book DescriptionThis guide to taking your enterprise lean focuses on the steps that management and workers must collectively adopt to transform any organization into a lean operation. While everyone agrees that reducing waste in a factory is a good...

Network Analysis : Methodological Foundations (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Book Description‘Network’ is a heavily overloaded term, so that ‘network analysis’ means different things to different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse structures such as the...

Bernard Fall

Autrefois, Maison Privee

Book DescriptionPhotographer Bill Burke has taken annual trips to Indochina ever since he first traveled to Asia in 1982. Although he usually photographed the people, Burke became aware of how the architecture absorbed as much as reflected the...

John Kitto

Lost Senses: Deafness and Blindness

Book DescriptionThis work contains two smaller related works. In the Lost Senses: Deafness, the author, having become deaf at the age of twelve, pens this book as a record of his experience. It is not his intention to refer to the events or studies...

Stars: The Film Reader (In Focus--Routledge Film Readers)

Book DescriptionStars: The Film Reader brings together key writings and new perspectives on stars and stardom in film and television, addressing questions of production, labor and circulation, and examining neglected areas of study such as the...

Harlan Coben

Just One Look

Book Description Harlan Coben, author of the coast-to-coast bestseller No Second Chance , delivers an emotionally powerful thrill-ride of a novel that asks the question: How far would you go to protect your family? An ordinary snapshot...

The Kingfisher Treasury of Princess Stories (Kingfisher Treasury of (vol 1- reissue))

Book DescriptionThis sparkling title features stories by renowned children"s authors, including Joan Aiken, Virginia Haviland, Eleanor Farjeon, and Vivian French....

<<<  Сергей Зайцев. Когда ваш малыш болен. О ...             Various. DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories: ... >>>

Helen Hills. Invisible City: The Architecture of Devotion in Последние бои на Дальнем Востоке. Настоящая, 24-я, книга подсерии Лист Лесной кодекс Российской Федерации. Издание содержит текст Лесного Игры У. Сомерсет Моэм. На краю империи. Повести и рассказы / The Одноклассники Русское радио 20000 лье под водой. Керк Дуглас ("Спартак", Пупков К.А., Егупов Н.Д., Баркин А.И. и др.. Методы классической и В. Н. Майстренко, Н. А. Клюев. Эколого-аналитический мониторинг Night Sweats - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated John F. LeBaron, Catherine Collier. Technology
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