Федор Достоевский

Село Степанчиково и его обитатели

В книгу вошли "Записки из Мертвого дома", страстно обличающие царскую каторгу и в то же время отражающие горячую любовь Достоевского к народной России, повести "Село Степанчиково и его обитатели" и "Записки из подполья", а также рассказ "Скверный...

О. Г. Курноскина

Защита прав при обращении за медицинской помощью. Экспресс справочник

Данная книга посвящена вопросам защиты прав потребителей в сфере здравоохранения. Книга содержит примеры наиболее часто встречающихся трудностей при обращении за медицинской помощью, пояснения, каким образом выходить из данных ситуаций....

Steven Carney

The Teamwork Chronicles: A Startling Look Inside the Workplace for Those Who Want Better Teamwork

Book DescriptionFrom Ken Blanchard, renowned management expert: "The Teamwork Chronicles provides sound advice for anyone who wants to build teamwork in the workplace." In the new book The Teamwork Chronicles, Steven H. Carney chronicles his...

Microregionalism and World Order

Book Description Microregionalism and World Order is a pioneering work on the least understood aspect of regionalism. Leading specialists analyze the form microregionalism takes in different parts of the world, including the Americas,...

Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Ross Levine

Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Comparison of Banks, Markets, and Development

This is the first broad cross-country assessment of the ties between financial structure -- the mix of financial instruments, institutions, and markets in a given economy -- and economic growth since Raymond Goldsmith's 1969 landmark study. Most...

Chris Mackowski

Original Works : Producing and Promoting Original Plays

Book DescriptionIf you are a director or producer who has shied away from doing a new play, cast aside your doubts, pick a new script, and get ready. Award-winning playwright and director Chris Mackowski shares the experiences and advice of more...

Mel Odom

Cursed (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel)

ANGEL VS. SPIKE Sulking around the Slayer in Sunnydale, the vampire Spike has often run into demons intent on punishing him for throwing in with the White Hats. But when there are hints of a more organized campaign dedicated to...

Chris Shea

Christmas Is a Gift

Book DescriptionThe illustrator of the best-selling God Thinks You're Wonderful and Merry Christmas with Love has created a brand new Christmas book for 2004! This unique combination of text and original illustrations remind us of...

russell Julian

Happy Cockerel (Farm Board Book Series)

Book DescriptionThe Farm Sound Board Books are a perfect delight for little ones, each depicting a different animal as it goes about its life on the farm. Sturdy and colorfully illustrated, each book has a surprise sound chip that oinks,...

James Schamus

The Hulk: The Making of the Movie Including the Complete Screenplay (Newmarket Pictorial Moviebook Series)

Book DescriptionThe only official book on the making of the new film from the director of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ?a full-color, behind-the-scenes companion to the eagerly awaited blockbuster from Universal Pictures, featuring an...

Ann Wroe

The Perfect Prince: The Mystery of Perkin Warbeck and His Quest for the Throne of England

Book DescriptionIn 1491, as Machiavelli advised popes and princes and Leonardo da Vinci astonished the art world, a young man boarded a ship in Portugal bound for Ireland. He would be greeted upon arrival as the rightful heir to the throne of...

<<<  Владимир Васильев. Наследие исполинов             Various. DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories: ... >>>

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Петрозаводск, Сочи, Батайск, Елец, Ижевск, Мытищи, Первоуральск, Оренбург, Тамбов, Сызрань, Чебоксары, Златоуст, Калуга, Череповец, ВеликийНовгород, Екатеринбург, Нефтекамск, Миасс,
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