Секрет фирмы, №23, 15 декабря - 28 декабря 2003

Суть дела Новая сделка `ЮКОСа` и `Сибнефти` Слияние `ЮКОСа` и `Сибнефти` - свершившийся факт. А их возможное разделение - это уже принципиально другая сделка. Когда развод невозможен? БИЗНЕС-СХЕМА...

Sue Heaser

Big Book of Candles

Over 40 step-by-step candlemaking projects....

Julie V. Watson

How Women Make Money: Anadian Entrepreneurs

How Women Make Money is an inspiring collection of profiles, anecdotes, and practical advice and guides that will help women take control of their lives and attain their financial goals. Whether you are starting a new business, growing an...

Paul G. Stoltz

Adversity Quotient @ Work : Make Everyday Challenges the Key to Your Success--Putting the Principles of AQ Into Action

Make Everyday Challenges The Key To Your Success --Putting the Principles of AQ Into Action In 1997, Paul Stoltz unleashed a revolution with his groundbreaking book Adversity Quotient: Turning Obstacles into...

Donna Cardillo

Your First Year as a Nurse: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional

Survive and Thrive As a Nurse from Day One! Welcome to the compassionate and caring world of nursing! You are entering a profession that offers great rewards and endless opportunities. But you must prepare for the challenges ahead and do...

Martin M. Broadwell, Carol Broadwell Dietrich

The New Supervisor: How to Thrive in Your First Year As a Manager

The New Supervisor: How to Thrive in Your First Year as a Manager , by long-time management trainer Martin Broadwell and his daughter Carol Broadwell Dietrich, clearly and practically addresses many of the key issues of concern to anyone...

Xiao-Guang Zhang

China's Trade Patterns and International Comparative Advantage (Studies on the Chinese Economy)

This book provides the first comprehensive and quantitative assessment of the impact of reform policies on the Chinese domestic economy at the detailed sectoral level. Beginning with a survey of China's economic reform progress, the author...

Christian L. Dunis, Bin Zhou

Nonlinear Modelling of High Frequency Financial Time Series (Financial Economics and Quantitative Analysis Series)

In the competitive and risky environment of todays financial markets, daily prices and models based upon low frequency price series data do not provide the level of accuracy required by traders and a growing number of risk managers. To improve...

Uma Narayan

Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third-World Feminism (THINKING GENDER)

Dislocating Cultures takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas. Drawing attention to the political forces that have...

Anne E. Goldman

Take My Word: Autobiographical Innovations of Ethnic American Working Women

In an innovative critique of traditional approaches to autobiography, Anne E. Goldman convincingly demonstrates that ethnic women can and do speak for themselves, even in the most unlikely contexts. Citing a wide variety of nontraditional...

Roy L. Nersesian

Corporate Financial Risk Management : A Computer-based Guide for Nonspecialists

What if you could understand financial risk management without immersing yourself in high-level mathematics? In this straightforward, readable guide--which requires only a working familiarity with financial spreadsheets--Nersesian explains what...

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Д. Фурманов, Н. Островский. Чапаев. Как закалялась сталь Ю. Т. Чернов. Вибрации строительных конструкций МСН Все о Линукс Агент майл.ру Поиск работы Виртуальные открытки И. Меттер. Обида В. Г. Маранцман, М. А. Мирзоян, Н. М. Свирина, Maya Angelou. Elder Grace: The Nobility of Aging М. Н. Жукова. 55 роковых ошибок, которые совершают Гороскопы Яндекс Из сокровищницы мирового исполнительского искусства. Бухгалтерский учет в коммерческом банке в проводках. О. В. Старостин. Зарубежные микропроцессоры и их аналоги. МТС Почта.ру Яхо Jean De La Fontaine. Selected Fables Мегафон
Щёлково, Новотроицк, Ижевск, Новошахтинск, Новокузнецк, Нефтеюганск, Междуреченск, Междуреченск, Камышин, Тобольск, Копейск, Владикавказ, Волгоград, Норильск, Серпухов, Орск, Новокузнецк, Сызрань, Якутск, Орёл, Москва, Тюмень, Москва, Таганрог, Королёв,
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