Shel Leanne

How to Interview Like a Top MBA: Job-Winning Strategies From Headhunters, Fortune 100 Recruiters, and Career Counselors

How to Interview Like a Top MBA presents interview strategies that help graduates of the nation's top business schools get the best jobs with the highest salaries. Provides 100 Tough Questions and Sample Answers. Interviewing for a job is...

Micol Ostow

Executive Desk Gong

Anyone who'd appreciate a tongue-in-cheek way to assert his or her authority will welcome this melodious desk accessory with a 32-page book on the history of gongs. This miniature gong and mallet make a great, silly way to dismiss someone from a...

JoAnn T. Hackos

Managing Your Documentation Projects

Practical, authoritative, and the first comprehensive guide to managing every phase of your publication project The only book devoted exclusively to technical publication project management, Managing Your Documentation Projects arms you with...

Richard Nelson Bolles, Dale Susan Brown, Dale S. Brown

Job-Hunting for the So-Called Handicapped or People Who Have Disabilities

Richard Bolles?s WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? has helped millions of readers find their path in life, and now his Creative Approach to Job-Hunting is brought to bear on the specific challenges faced by job hunters with disabilities. In...

Jason McClure

How to Find Your Dream Job and Make It a Reality: Solutions for a Meaningful and Rewarding Career

Life is too fragile to get less than what you deserve in your career. Since your career is what you do to make a living, you may have suspected that a job should be more than what you do for a paycheck; it should be what you do to make a difference....

Glenn Fishbine, Glenn Fishbine

The Investor's Guide to Nanotechnology and Micromachines

How to identify the most promising investment opportunities in nanotechnology Imagine machines tiny enough to be injected into the human bloodstream, mobile enough to make their way to specific locations inside the body, and intelligent enough...

Tim Jenkinson, Alexander Ljungqvist

Going Public: The Theory and Evidence on How Companies Raise Equity Finance

During its life, a company must make the critical decision of if, and when, to `go public' by listing themselves on the stock exchange. Two anomalies are apparent: that companies taking this route systematically initially underprice their shares and...

Bob Schaller, Ron Gustafson

Fully Armed

Raised on a farm in Lyons, Nebraska, Ron "Gus" Gustafson was a standout basketball player in high school in spite of having lost his right arm and shoulder in a tragic childhood farm accident. After a knee injury ended his collegiate basketball...

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale

Reissue edition...

Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer

Creating Money: Keys to Abundance (Life Mastery Series)

This book is a course in manifesting and creating abundance in your life, Section I, Creating Money, is a step-by-step guide to the art of manifesting. You will learn how to discover what you want, drawing things to you that will fulfill and...

Barbara Stanny

Prince Charming Isn't Coming: How Women Get Smart About Money

As the daughter of one of the founders of H&R Block, Barbara Stanny grew up depending on her father, and later her husband, to manage her money--until a devastating financial crisis became a dramatic wake-up call. She knew she had to take control....

<<<  Мопассан. Мопассан. Собрание сочинений в семи томах. Том 3             Various. DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories: ... >>>

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