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Margaret Dikovitskaya Visual Culture : The Study of the Visual after the Cultural Turn
Book DescriptionIn recent years, visual culture has emerged as a growing and important interdisciplinary field of study. Visual culture regards images as central to the representation of meaning in the world. It encompasses "high" art without an...
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Kate Clair A Typographic Workbook : A Primer to History, Techniques, and Artistry
Book DescriptionLavishly illustrated with more than 450 images, A Typographic Workbook, Second Edition explains the process successful designers use to select, space, and creatively integrate fonts. This essential text demonstrates the use of...
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Carter E. Foster Drawing Modern: Works from the Agnes Gund Collection
Book DescriptionDrawing Modern illustrates major pieces by some of the twentieth century?s most important artists, including Louise Bourgeois, Arshile Gorky, Eva Hesse, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Paul Klee, Roy Lichtenstein, Brice Marden,...
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Mark Lucock Succeed In Landscape Photography
Book DescriptionAlthough developments in camera technology mean that quality images are now well within the grasp of the keen amateur, the market place is competitive. How does an aspiring photographer improve and promote his or her photography in...
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Stephanie Nolen Promised the Moon: The Untold Story of the First Women in the Space Race
Book DescriptionIn 1959, the doctor who supervised NASA's astronaut selection concluded that women might fare better in space than men. His testing of 25 top female pilots for reactions to isolation, centrifuge, and weightlessness proved him right,...
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Jude Watson The Changing of the Guard (Star Wars Jedi Quest #8)
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and another pair of Jedi must try to retrieve an evil scientist from a planet run by criminals as a refuge for other criminals. In order to do this, they have to go undercover -- as the kind of scum they usually tryto catch. ...
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Goli Taraghi A Mansion in the Sky and Other Short Stories (CMES Modern Middle East Literature in Translation Series)
Book DescriptionWriting before and since the Iranian Revolution, Goli Taraghi publishes both in Iran and abroad. In this collection of stories, she poignantly describes her childhood in Tehran and portrays the experience of exile with her family. ...
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Caroline M. Shreeve Effortless Exercise
Book Description* Will motivate couch potaties to get up and go * Suitable for all ages and levels of fitness * Promotes a gradual increase in exercise, so it is not intimidating for the unfit This is a book about exercise and getting...
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Ben M. Baglio Pony in a Package - Animal Ark #27 (Animal Ark Hauntings) (Animal Ark Hauntings)
Book Description One busy Saturday morning, the delivery man brings a big surprise to Animal Ark: the tiniest horse that Mandy has ever seen! The miniature horse was actually meant for Tania Benster, a newcomer to Welford. But Tania's parents...
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Lupus: Everything You Need To Know (Your Personal Health)
Book DescriptionAn essential reference for patients and their caregivers. The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that 1.5 million people in the United States are currently grappling with lupus. Lupus is a chronic disease caused by...
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Все о подушках
В книге представлены всевозможные диванные подушки: в форме валика или сердечка, отделанные шнуром, рюшами или тесьмой, в стиле пэчворк или с рисунком, выполненным по трафарету, а также украшенные аппликацией или вышивкой крестом, ришелье, стежкой и...
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Домой Джон Р. Р. Толкин. Хоббит, или Туда и
Евгений Лукин. Рассказы. Платформа: WIN пластиковый
Пионы. Раскраска по номерам, 40 см х 50 см. Букет прекрасных пионов
И. Г. Медведев. Комментарий к конвенциям
А. С. Галанов. Готовимся к письму. Для детей
Школьный немецко-русский русско-немецкий словарь / Schulerworterbuch
Из рук в руки
Шпион Зорге. Йен Глен ("Тьма", "Лара Крофт -
Stephen King. Everything's Eventual Movie Tie-In: 14 Dark Tales
Питер, НижнийНовгород, Северодвинск, Невинномысск, Улан-Удэ, Ульяновск, Иркутск, Курган, Новокузнецк, Новотроицк, Орск, Электросталь, Ростов-на-Дону, Тула, Муром, Каменск-Уральский, Нефтеюганск,
Загадки, кроссворды| Криминалистика| Криминальные триллеры| Развлекательные программы| Охрана и безопасность труда. Трудовые ресурсы| Государство и право| Подводный мир и дайвинг| Словари-справочники| Психология| Языкознание. Филологические науки| История экономики| Специальные и отраслевые экономики| Ценные бумаги| Алгебра. Геометрия| Приключенческие триллеры| Медицина. Здравоохранение| Специальные и отраслевые экономики| Телевизионные комедии| Этнография (этнология, народоведение)| Индийские видеоклипы| Для дома и бизнеса|
книги доставка почтой, новый книжный магазин, сеть книжных магазинов, книги сборники, книжные магазины санкт петербурга, аудио книги, интернет библиотека, книга почтой, магазин литературы, бестселлер, техническая литература, детская энциклопедия, |