Lynda M Applegate

Corporate Information Strategy and Management : Text and Cases

Book DescriptionCorporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases 7/e by Applegate, Austin and McFarlan is written for students and managers who desire an overview of contemporary information systems technology management. It explains...

Pension Reform in Europe: Process and Progress (Directions in Development)

Book DescriptionFew topics on the economic reform agenda get more attention throughout Western, Central, and Eastern Europe than pension reform. And few other issues in the European policy debate have been more unevenly treated among European...

Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology Learning Environments : Toward Cost-Effective Adaptive, Interactive and Intelligent Educational Software

Book DescriptionThis edited book gives a comprehensive picture of the state of the art in authoring systems and authoring tools for advanced technology instructional systems. Issues of authoring, cost-effectiveness, interoperability and re-usability...

Kimerer L. LaMothe

Nietzsche's Dancers : Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values

Book Description Nietzsche uses images of dance throughout his work to represent the process and the fruits of his "revaluation of all values." American modern dancers Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham were inspired by his work as they...


Extreme(ly Dumb) Sports (Duckboy Guides)

Book Description ANY SPORT WORTH DOING TO THE EXTREME IS WORTH DOING EXTREMELY DUMB! This book will show you how! From the popular Duckboy® line of postcards and other products comes this hilarious photographic journey...

Barry Minkow

Cleaning Up : One Man's Redemptive Journey Through the Seductive World of Corporate Crime

Book DescriptionBefore he was even old enough to drink, he had bank accounts, a Ferrari, a mansion, a multi-million dollar corporation, and a desperate little secret . . . it was all a lie . Most of us can't imagine life getting much worse...

Anzia Yezierska

Red Ribbon on a White Horse: My Story

Book DescriptionThe autobiography of the important Jewish immigrant novelist. Here is Anzia Yezierska's life story, from the Polish ghetto to the sweatshops of New York's Lower East Side, from success as a writer in Hollywood in the 1920s to...

Jack Hirsh

Thrombosis: Everything You Need to Know (Your Personal Health)

Book DescriptionA layperson's guide to a debilitating condition. Thrombosis is the formation of a solid blood clot in an arterial or venous vessel where it can interfere with normal blood flow. About 1 in 20 suffers from vein clots or lung...

E. J. Kirk

Step into Narnia : A Journey Through The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Narnia)

Book DescriptionJust in time for the live-action movie THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE in fall 2005, this companion book is perfect for children too young to read the original. It’s packed with fun facts about characters, places, and...

Michael Reed Gach

Sleep Better

Book DescriptionMichael Reed Gach makes it easy to understand the basics of his safe, natural self-healing system that regulates the flow of chi by using acupressure - fingertip massage applied to the body's vital points to discharging harmful...

Tom Buck

Buck, Buck, What's Up? Tales from 60 Years in Journalism

Book DescriptionThe author, a veteran Chicago Tribune reporter, tells his life story from beginnings in Indiana, work for the Chicago City News Bureau, then early reporting for the Tribune followed by nearly five years of Army service in World War...

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Lisa Banim. Lizzie McGuire Mysteries: Case at Camp Get-Me-Outie! - Book Н. В. Белов. 10000 советов рыболову Топ Народ.ру Фото Народ.ру Работа Carl Pritchard. The Project Management Communications Toolkit (Artech Топ Яндекс Хайнц Фельфе. Мемуары разведчика Яхо Виртуальные открытки Ответы Билайн Психология семьи. Расширяющийся круг проблем российской Коллекция Райнера Вернера Фассбиндера: Третье поколение. Удо Кир ("В последний
Березники, Орск, Саратов, СергиевПосад, Братск, Одинцово, Самара, Махачкала, Питер, Старый Оскол, Липецк, Томск, Черкесск, Кемерово, Ногинск, Южно-Сахалинск, Нефтекамск, Чита, Дербент, Улан-Удэ, Абакан, Тверь, Казань, Барнаул, Сызрань, Тольятти,
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