Brian Nattrass, Mary Altomare

Dancing With the Tiger: Learning Sustainability Step by Natural Step (Conscientious Commerce)

What do some of the most recognized and progressive companies in North America like Nike and Starbucks have in common? They have adopted The Natural Step as their business model. This book provides details of the step-by-step internal processes,...

Roger B. Myerson

Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict

Eminently suited to classroom use as well as individual study, Roger Myerson's introductory text provides a clear and thorough examination of the models, solution concepts, results, and methodological principles of noncooperative and cooperative...

Joseph E. Stiglitz, Bruce Greenwald, Ravi Kanbur, Barry Nalebuff

Economics for an Imperfect World: Essays in Honor of Joseph E. Stiglitz

Throughout Joseph Stiglitz's long and distinguished career in economics, the focus has been on the real world, with all of its imperfections. His 2001 Nobel Prize recognized his pioneering research in imperfect information; his work in other areas,...

Lawrence M. Miller

Barbarians to Bureaucrats Corporate Life Cycle Strategies

"One day your sluggish company will taken to the sound of a beating drum and the sight of a competitor approaching at ramming speed. On deck will be a jut-jawed Barbarian....He will hardly blink as his target is ripped asunder, sending Aristocrats,...

John M. Usher, Utpal Roy, Hamid Parsaei

Integrated Product and Process Development: Methods, Tools, and Technologies

The phenomenal success of integrated product and process development (IPPD) at such companies as Boeing, Motorola, and Hewlett-Packard has led many manufacturers to place renewed emphasis on this critical aspect of concurrent engineering. If you are...

Lyle Deixler

Which Phone System Should I Buy?

For anyone purchasing a business phone system, this book covers detailed specs on the four major types: SOHO, key system, PBX, and CTI/LAN -- plus buying tips and questions to ask vendors....

Tim Berners-Lee

Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by Its Inventor (Аудиокнига)

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, has been hailed by Time magazine as one of the 100 greatest minds of this century. His creation has already changed the way people do business, entertain themselves, exchange ideas, and...

Icon Health Publications

Ephedra - A Medical Dictionary Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

В. Ф. Тулинов

Концепции современного естествознания. Учебник

Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по дисциплине "Концепции современного естествознания". Представлена широкая панорама естественно-научных концепций в...

Джон Аркуди


Маска - одна из вершин комиксово-мультипликационной культуры Америки. Фильмы, созданные на основе ее сюжета, пользуются оглушительным успехом в мировом кинопрокате. Стэнли Ипкисс - скромный бедолага, которому не везет решительно ни в чем. Но...

Петер Т. Гилл, А. К. Легг

Peugeot 406. Ремонт и техническое обслуживание

В руководстве рассмотрены: Peugeot 406 с кузовами "седан" и "универсал", в том числе модели ограниченного выпуска, с четырехцилиндровыми бензиновыми двигателями без наддува и с дизельными двигателями с турбонаддувом, бензиновые двигатели...

<<<  Достоевский. Достоевский. Собрание сочинений ...             Антология бардовской песни. По выражению Булата Окуджавы, ... >>>

Знакомства В. К. Беллюстин. Как постепенно дошли люди до настоящей Ingrid 2.9*6м "Орхидея" 204. Фон золотисто-желтый, с разводами. Размер 2,9х3 Великие мистические тайны XX века. В новой книге Народ.ру Погода Л. А. Чернышева. Математика для малышей. Домовенок учится считать Спецназ. Антитеррор: Миссия на Балканах. Вооруженные экстремисты В. И. Майоров, С. Г. Соловьев. Правовой статус
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