Ingrid Leman-Stefanovic, Ingrid Leman Stefanovic

Safeguarding Our Common Future: Rethinking Sustainable Development (Suny Series in Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology)

This book examines how a phenomenological approach helps move us closer toward safeguarding our common future by evolving a more originative and informed way of thinking about the foundations of sustainable development. Phenomenology, as conceived...

Hamid Seddighi, K. A. Lawler, A. V. Katos, H. R. Seddighi

Econometrics : A Practical Approach

This book constitutes the first serious attempt to outline the basics of econometrics in the clearest and simplest manner possible....

Sue V. Rosser

The Science Glass Ceiling: Academic Women Scientists and the Struggle to Succeed

In The Science Glass Ceiling, Sue Rosser chronicles the plight of women faculty across the country. Noting difficulties, double standards, and backlash that they routinely face. Rosser interviewed some of the country's best female scientists about...

Michael P. Malloy

United States Economic Sanctions: Theory and Practice

The growing use of U.S. and multilateral economic sanctions -- and the increasing and controversial attention such measures are attracting internationally -- create a need for a detailed legal analysis of the subject and its policy implications for...

Jack J. Phillips

Return on Investment in Training and Performance Improvement Programs

The second edition of this bestselling book, "Return on Investment in Training and Performance Improvement Programs", guides you through a proven, results-based approach to calculating the Return on Investment in training and performance improvement...

Robert A. Willson, Frank J., Jr Smith

Managing the Agribusiness Firm

The subject matter discussed in this report was originally published under the title of "Managing the Farm Supply Business." After several years of use by extension specialists as well as by college-level classroom instructors, it became clear that...

Joseph McCahery, Sol Picciotto, Colin Scott

Corporate Control and Accountability: Changing Structures and the Dynamics of Regulation (Clarendon Paperbacks)

This multi-disciplinary volume brings together lawyers, accountants, sociologists and economists to explore the central themes of the legal and organizational accountability of the public corporation. It offers the first sustained attempt to...

Brian W. Kelly

AS/400 Data Warehousing: The Complete Guide to Implementation

There are no off-the-shelf solutions and no ready-made tools that will allow you to convert operational data into meaningful, strategic information. You must fundamentally restructure your data, (create a data warehouse), before Query can do...

Arno Scharl

Environmental Online Communication

The Internet and wireless communication networks are transforming the way society handles the explosive growth and dwindling half-life of environmentally relevant information. How can we leverage new technologies to advocate sustainability and the...

Amit Kalani, Priti Kalani

MCAD Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 70-315)

This certification exam measures the ability to develop and implement Windows-based applications with Web forms, ASP.NET, and the Microsoft .NET Framework. This exam counts as a core credit toward the new MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application...

David C. Kay

Paint Shop Pro 7 for Dummies

Paint Shop Pro 7 For Dummies is well-suited to business and technical professionals and their office staff who prefer to do the image work themselves, rather than invoke the delay, cost, and uncertainty of turning it over to a specialist....

<<<  Майкл Дж. Монкур, Джон У. Дженкинс-мл., Джеймс Челлис. Переход к NetWare ...             Антология бардовской песни. По выражению Булата Окуджавы, ... >>>

John Van Maanen, John Van Maanen. Qualitative Studies of Organizations Святитель Иоанн Златоуст. Святитель Иоанн Златоуст. Полное Собрание Работа Программы James Levine. Mozart: Idomeneo. Mozart: Idomeneo (Act Новикова М. В.. Государственные и муниципальные Питер Элдин. Фокусы. Маги, чудеса, трюки, иллюзии Margaret Garb. City of American Dreams : A Edith Wharton. Ethan Frome Dimitrios Kostopoulos. Lower Extremity: Comprehensive Почта Practice Activities / Сборник упражнений. Пособие является М. Ф. Меняев. Информатика и основы программирования Бесплатные объявления Все для мобильных телефонов Sony Eriсsson 2008.
Энгельс, Сыктывкар, Ставрополь, Арзамас, Великие Луки, Самара, Омск, Сызрань, Ростов-на-Дону, СергиевПосад, Новокуйбышевск, Балашиха, Камышин, Москва, Первоуральск, Черкесск, Абакан,
Приключенческие триллеры| Антикварная графика| Биографические фильмы| ASP, Perl, CGI, Python для разработки Web-сайтов| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| Конструкторы| Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Риторика. Ораторское искусство| Кулинария. Напитки| Русский язык и литература| Фантастические триллеры| Психология и социология менеджмента| Детское творчество| Военные и армейские боевики| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Звук и музыка| Каталоги|
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